Heights of Heegner points on Shimura curves.
We present bounds for the degree and the height of the polynomials arising in some problems in effective algebraic geometry including the implicitization of rational maps and the effective Nullstellensatz over a variety. Our treatment is based on arithmetic intersection theory in products of projective spaces and extends to the arithmetic setting constructions and results due to Jelonek. A key role is played by the notion of canonical mixed height of a multiprojective variety. We study this notion...
This paper concerns the arithmetic of certain -adic families of elliptic modular forms. We relate, using a formula of Rubin, some Iwasawa-theoretic aspects of the three items in the title of this paper. In particular, we examine several conjectures, three of which assert the non-triviality of an Euler system, a -adic regulator, and the derivative of a -adic -function. We investigate sufficient conditions for the first conjecture to hold and show that, under additional assumptions, the first...
Seven elliptic curves of the form y2 = x3 + B x and having rank at least 8 are presented. To find them we use the double descent method of Tate. In particular we prove that the curve with B = 14752493461692 has rank exactly 8.