Identities involving the coefficients of automorphic -functions.
Introduction. In this note we use the following standard notations: π(x) is the number of primes not exceeding x, while . The best known inequalities involving the function π(x) are the ones obtained in [6] by B. Rosser and L. Schoenfeld: (1) x/(log x - 1/2) < π(x) for x ≥ 67 (2) x/(log x - 3/2) > π(x) for . The proof of the above inequalities is not elementary and is based on the first 25 000 zeros of the Riemann function ξ(s) obtained by D. H. Lehmer [4]. Then Rosser, Yohe and Schoenfeld...
∗ This research is partially supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under contract MM-403/9We review the existing estimates for the number of integer points close to a smooth curve and improve on some of these.