Representations of certain binary quadratic forms as Lambert series
We give a simple proof of the Siegel-Tatuzawa theorem according to which the residues at s = 1 of the Dedekind zeta functions of quadratic number fields are effectively not too small, with at most one exceptional quadratic field. We then give a simple proof of the Brauer-Siegel theorem for normal number fields which gives the asymptotics for the logarithm of the product of the class number and the regulator of number fields.
Let be an algebraic subvariety of a torus and denote by the complement in of the Zariski closure of the set of torsion points of . By a theorem of Zhang, is discrete for the metric induced by the normalized height . We describe some quantitative versions of this result, close to the conjectural bounds, and we discuss some applications to study of the class group of some number fields.
We introduce a new ideal of the p-adic Galois group-ring associated to a real abelian field and a related ideal for imaginary abelian fields, Both result from an equivariant, Kummer-type pairing applied to Stark units in a -tower of abelian fields, and is linked by explicit reciprocity to a third ideal studied more generally in [D. Solomon, Acta Arith. 143 (2010)]. This leads to a new and unifying framework for the Iwasawa theory of such fields including a real analogue of Stickelberger’s Theorem,...
Let ε be a quartic algebraic unit. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for (i) the quartic number field K = ℚ(ε) to contain an imaginary quadratic subfield, and (ii) for the ring of algebraic integers of K to be equal to ℤ[ε]. We also prove that the class number of such K's goes to infinity effectively with the discriminant of K.
Let K/k be a ℤₚ-extension of a number field k, and denote by kₙ its layers. We prove some stabilization properties for the orders and the p-ranks of the higher Iwasawa modules arising from the lower central series of the Galois group of the maximal unramified pro-p-extension of K (resp. of the kₙ).