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Paramétrisation de structures algébriques et densité de discriminants

Karim Belabas (2003/2004)

Séminaire Bourbaki

La composition de Gauss donne une structure de groupe aux orbites de formes quadratiques binaires entières de discriminant D , sous l’action de SL 2 par changement de variable, essentiellement le groupe des classes de l’ordre quadratique de discriminant  D . Les domaines fondamentaux associés permettent calculs explicites et évaluation d’ordres moyens. Je présenterai les lois de composition supérieures découvertes par M. Bhargava à partir de la classification des espaces vectoriels préhomogènes réguliers,...

Prime factors of class number of cyclotomic fields

Tetsuya Taniguchi (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let p be an odd prime, r be a primitive root modulo p and r i r i ( mod p ) with 1 r i p - 1 . In 2007, R. Queme raised the question whether the -rank ( an odd prime p ) of the ideal class group of the p -th cyclotomic field is equal to the degree of the greatest common divisor over the finite field 𝔽 of x ( p - 1 ) / 2 + 1 and Kummer’s polynomial f ( x ) = i = 0 p - 2 r - i x i . In this paper, we shall give the complete answer for this question enumerating a counter-example.

Principalization algorithm via class group structure

Daniel C. Mayer (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

For an algebraic number field K with 3 -class group Cl 3 ( K ) of type ( 3 , 3 ) , the structure of the 3 -class groups Cl 3 ( N i ) of the four unramified cyclic cubic extension fields N i , 1 i 4 , of K is calculated with the aid of presentations for the metabelian Galois group G 3 2 ( K ) = Gal ( F 3 2 ( K ) | K ) of the second Hilbert 3 -class field F 3 2 ( K ) of K . In the case of a quadratic base field K = ( D ) it is shown that the structure of the 3 -class groups of the four S 3 -fields N 1 , ... , N 4 frequently determines the type of principalization of the 3 -class group of K in N 1 , ... , N 4 . This provides...

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