Mahler measure of the Horie unit and Weber's class number problem in the cyclotomic ℤ₃-extension of ℚ
Let ℓ be a rational prime, K be a number field that contains a primitive ℓth root of unity, L an abelian extension of K whose degree over K, [L:K], is divisible by ℓ, a prime ideal of K whose ideal class has order ℓ in the ideal class group of K, and any generator of the principal ideal . We will call a prime ideal of K ’reciprocal to ’ if its Frobenius element generates for every choice of . We then show that becomes principal in L if and only if every reciprocal prime is not a norm inside...
We determine the structures of the Galois groups Gal of the maximal unramified extensions of imaginary quadratic number fields of conductors under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis). For all such , is , the Hilbert class field of , the second Hilbert class field of , or the third Hilbert class field of . The use of Odlyzko’s discriminant bounds and information on the structure of class groups obtained by using the action of Galois groups on class groups is essential. We also use class...