On ordinary linear -adic differential equations with algebraic function coefficients
Let be the Rankin product -function for two Hilbert cusp forms and . This -function is in fact the standard -function of an automorphic representation of the algebraic group defined over a totally real field. Under the ordinarity assumption at a given prime for and , we shall construct a -adic analytic function of several variables which interpolates the algebraic part of for critical integers , regarding all the ingredients , and as variables.
Let be a valued field, where is a rank one discrete valuation. Let be its ring of valuation, its maximal ideal, and an extension of , defined by a monic irreducible polynomial . Assume that factors as a product of distinct powers of monic irreducible polynomials. In this paper a condition which guarantees the existence of exactly distinct valuations of extending is given, in such a way that it generalizes the results given in the paper “Prolongations of valuations to finite...
Let p be an odd prime and let a be a positive integer. In this paper we investigate the sum , where h and m are p-adic integers with m ≢ 0 (mod p). For example, we show that if h ≢ 0 (mod p) and , then , where (·/·) denotes the Jacobi symbol. Here is another remarkable congruence: If then .
Let be an odd prime, an odd, -adic Dirichlet character and the cyclic imaginary extension of associated to . We define a “-part” of the Sylow -subgroup of the class group of and prove a result relating its -divisibility to that of the generalized Bernoulli number . This uses the results of Mazur and Wiles in Iwasawa theory over . The more difficult case, in which divides the order of is our chief concern. In this case the result is new and confirms an earlier conjecture of G....