Espaces de Berkovich, polytopes, squelettes et théorie des modèles : erratum
Le but de cet article, à travers l’étude des travaux en analyse algébrique finie d’Étienne Bézout (1730-1783), est de mieux faire connaître ses résultats, tels qu’il les a effectivement trouvés, et de mettre en valeur aussi bien les points de vue novateurs que les méthodes originales, mis en œuvre à cet effet. L’idée de ramener le problème de l’élimination d’une ou plusieurs inconnues à l’étude d’un système d’équations du premier degré, son utilisation inhabituelle des coefficients indéterminés...
The thrust of this article is to offer a new approach to the study of Galois’s Mémoire sur les conditions de résolubilité des équations par radicaux. Drawing on methodology developed by social and cultural historians, it contextualizes Galois’s work by situating it in the parisian mathematical milieu of the 1820s and 1830s. By reconstructing the social process whereby a young man became an established mathematician at the time, this article shows that Galois’s trajectory was far from unusual, and...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 12D10.In the present paper we consider degree 6 hyperbolic polynomials (HPs) in one variable (i.e. real and with all roots real). We are interested in such HPs whose number of equalities between roots of the polynomial and/or its derivatives is higher than expected. We give the complete study of the four families of such degree 6 even HPs and also of HPs which are primitives of degree 5 HPs.Research partially supported by research project 20682 for cooperation...
Every reasonably sized matrix group has an injective homomorphism into the group of all bijections of the natural numbers. However, not every reasonably sized simple group has an injective homomorphism into .
Dans cet article nous présentons la théorie des équations différentielles -adiques et ses applications concernant le théorème de finitude de la cohomologie -adique d’une variété affine et le théorème de la monodromie -adique des représentations galoisiennes locales.
We say that a field K has the Extension Property if every automorphism of K(X) extends to an automorphism of K. J.M. Gamboa and T. Recio [2] have introduced this concept, naive in appearance, because of its crucial role in the study of homogeneity conditions in spaces of orderings of functions fields. Gamboa [1] has studied several classes of fields with this property: Algebraic extensions of the field Q of rational numbers; euclidean, algebraically closed and pythagorean fields; fields with an...