A Generalization of Kodaira-Ramanujam's Vanishing Theorem.
We study (rational) sweeping out of general hypersurfaces by varieties having small moduli spaces. As a consequence, we show that general -trivial hypersurfaces are not rationally swept out by abelian varieties of dimension at least two. As a corollary, we show that Clemens’ conjecture on the finiteness of rational curves of given degree in a general quintic threefold, and Lang’s conjecture saying that such varieties should be rationally swept-out by abelian varieties, contradict.
Sia una varietà abeliana complessa di tipo Mumford. In queste note daremo una descrizione esplicita delle classi eccezionali in trovate da Hazama in [Ha] e le descriveremo geometricamente usando la grassmaniana delle rette di .
We construct a higher Abel-Jacobi map for 0-cycles on complex threefolds and prove that it can be used to describe Mumford's pull-back of a differential form, and that its image is infinite-dimensional in many cases. However, making a certain assumption, we show that it is not always injective.
The purpose of this article is to give, for any (commutative) ring , an explicit minimal set of generators for the ring of multisymmetric functions as an -algebra. In characteristic zero, i.e. when is a -algebra, a minimal set of generators has been known since the 19th century. A rather small generating set in the general case has also recently been given by Vaccarino but it is not minimal in general. We also give a sharp degree bound on the generators, improving the degree bound previously...
In this paper we classify the algebraic surfaces on C with KS2=4, pg=3 and canonical map of degree d=3. By our result and the previous one of Horikawa (1979) we obtain the complete determination of surfaces with K2=4 and pg=3.