Affine Parts of Abelian Surfaces as Complete Intersections of Four Quadrics.
It is explained that the following two problems are equivalent: (i) describing all affine rulings of any given weighted projective plane; (ii) describing all weighted-homogeneous locally nilpotent derivations of k[X,Y,Z]. Then the solution of (i) is sketched. (Outline of our joint work with Peter Russell.)
In my talk I am going to remind you what is the AK-invariant and give examples of its usefulness. I shall also discuss basic conjectures about this invariant and some positive and negative results related to these conjectures.
We show that the Beauville’s integrable system on a ten dimensional moduli space of sheaves on a K3 surface constructed via a moduli space of stable sheaves on cubic threefolds is algebraically completely integrable, using O’Grady’s construction of a symplectic resolution of the moduli space of sheaves on a K3.