E8 und die binäre Ikosaedergruppe.
We prove a multiple-points higher-jets nonvanishing theorem by the use of local Seshadri constants. Applications are given to effectivity problems such as constructing rational and birational maps into Grassmannians, and the global generation of vector bundles.
This note deals with Lagrangian fibrations of elliptic K3 surfaces and the associated Hamiltonian monodromy. The fibration is constructed through the Weierstraß normal form of elliptic surfaces. There is given an example of K3 dynamical models with the identity monodromy matrix around 12 elementary singular loci.
Complex projective elliptic surfaces endowed with a numerically effective line bundle of arithmetic genus two are studied and partially classified. A key role is played by elliptic quasi-bundles, where some ideas developed by Serrano in order to study ample line bundles apply to this more general situation.