Polynomial eigenvalue problems with Hamiltonian structure.
The Weierstrass-Kronecker theorem on the decomposition of the regular pencil is extended to fractional descriptor timevarying discrete-time linear systems. A method for computing solutions of fractional systems is proposed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the positivity of these systems are established.
The matrix pencil completion problem introduced in [J. J. Loiseau, S. Mondié, I. Zaballa, and P. Zagalak: Assigning the Kronecker invariants to a matrix pencil by row or column completions. Linear Algebra Appl. 278 (1998)] is reconsidered and the latest results achieved in that field are discussed.
In this paper we consider two versions of the Collatz-Wielandt quotient for a pair of nonnegative operators that map a given pointed generating cone in the first space into a given pointed generating cone in the second space. If the two spaces and two cones are identical, and is the identity operator, then one version of this quotient is the spectral radius of . In some applications, as commodity pricing, power control in wireless networks and quantum information theory, one needs to deal with...