Displaying 41 – 60 of 170

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Falseness of the finiteness property of the spectral subradius

Adam Czornik, Piotr Jurgas (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We prove that there exist infinitely may values of the real parameter α for which the exact value of the spectral subradius of the set of two matrices (one matrix with ones above and on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere, and one matrix with α below and on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere, both matrices having two rows and two columns) cannot be calculated in a finite number of steps. Our proof uses only elementary facts from the theory of formal languages and from linear algebra, but it is not constructive...

From Eckart and Young approximation to Moreau envelopes and vice versa

Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty, Hai Yen Le (2013)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

In matricial analysis, the theorem of Eckart and Young provides a best approximation of an arbitrary matrix by a matrix of rank at most r. In variational analysis or optimization, the Moreau envelopes are appropriate ways of approximating or regularizing the rank function. We prove here that we can go forwards and backwards between the two procedures, thereby showing that they carry essentially the same information.

Generalized induced norms

S. Hejazian, M. Mirzavaziri, Mohammad Sal Moslehian (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let · be a norm on the algebra n of all n × n matrices over . An interesting problem in matrix theory is that “Are there two norms · 1 and · 2 on n such that A = max { A x 2 x 1 = 1 } for all A n ?” We will investigate this problem and its various aspects and will discuss some conditions under which · 1 = · 2 .

Indefinite numerical range of 3 × 3 matrices

N. Bebiano, J. da Providência, R. Teixeira (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The point equation of the associated curve of the indefinite numerical range is derived, following Fiedler’s approach for definite inner product spaces. The classification of the associated curve is presented in the 3 × 3 indefinite case, using Newton’s classification of cubic curves. Illustrative examples of all the different possibilities are given. The results obtained extend to Krein spaces results of Kippenhahn on the classical numerical range.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 170