Regular Splittings and the Discrete Neumann Problem.
Sia l'insieme degli interi non negativi e l'anello degli interi. Sia l'anello delle matrici su che hanno solo un numero finito di cifre non nulle in ogni linea ed in ogni colonna. Sia il sottoanello generato da e , dove (rispettivamente ) è ottenuto dalla matrice identità muovendo gli 1 una posizione a destra (rispettivamente in giù). Sia pure il sottoanello di generato da e . Infine sia il sottoanello delle matrici di che hanno solo un numero finito di cifre non nulle....
Two inequalities for the Laplacian spread of graphs are proved in this note. These inequalities are reverse to those obtained by Z. You, B. Liu: The Laplacian spread of graphs, Czech. Math. J. 62 (2012), 155–168.
The statistical analysis of compositional data, multivariate data when all its components are strictly positive real numbers that carry only relative information and having a simplex as the sample space, is in the state-of-the-art devoted to represent compositions in orthonormal bases with respect to the geometry on the simplex and thus provide an isometric transformation of the data to an usual linear space, where standard statistical methods can be used (e.g. [2], [4], [5], [9]). However, in some...
Analysis of a non-classically damped engineering structure, which is subjected to an external excitation, leads to the solution of a system of second order ordinary differential equations. Although there exists a large variety of powerful numerical methods to accomplish this task, in some cases it is convenient to formulate the explicit inversion of the respective quadratic fundamental system. The presented contribution uses and extends concepts in matrix polynomial theory and proposes an implementation...
We present some results on generalized inverses and their application to generalizations of the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury-type formulae.
Dado un Problema de Programación Semi-Infinita, si se puede obtener una representación finita del conjunto factible, pueden aplicarse para resolver el problema los métodos de programación con restricciones finitas.En la primera parte se caracterizan los sistemas lineales infinitos que pueden ser reducidos a un sistema finito equivalente, dándose además condiciones suficientes y métodos para efectuar tal reducción. En la segunda parte se establecen diferentes procedimientos de obtención de la representación...