Some functorial properties of microlocalization for 𝓓-modules
We give a special normal form for a non-semiquadratic hyperbolic CR-manifold M of codimension 2 in ℂ⁴, i.e., a construction of coordinates where the equation of M satisfies certain conditions. The coordinates are determined up to a linear coordinate change.
Soient et deux champs de vecteurs lisses sur globalement asymptotiquement stables à l’origine. Nous donnons des conditions nécessaires et des conditions suffisantes sur la topologie de l’ensemble des points où et sont parallèles pour pouvoir assurer la stabilité asymptotique globale du système contrôlé non linéaire non autonomeoù le contrôle est une fonction mesurable arbitraire de dans . Les conditions données ne nécessitent aucune intégration ou construction d’une fonction de Lyapunov...
Let Y be an open subset of a reduced compact complex space X such that X - Y is the support of an effective divisor D. If X is a surface and D is an effective Weil divisor, we give sufficient conditions so that Y is Stein. If X is of pure dimension d ≥ 1 and X - Y is the support of an effective Cartier divisor D, we show that Y is Stein if Y contains no compact curves, for all i > 0, and for every point x₀ ∈ X-Y there is an n ∈ ℕ such that is empty or has dimension 0, where is the map from...
In this paper we introduce the sheaf of stratified Whitney jets of Gevrey order on the subanalytic site relative to a real analytic manifold . Then, we define stratified ultradistributions of Beurling and Roumieu type on . In the end, by means of stratified ultradistributions, we define tempered-stratified ultradistributions and we prove two results. First, if is a real surface, the tempered-stratified ultradistributions define a sheaf on the subanalytic site relative to . Second, the tempered-stratified...