Valeurs algébriques d'une application méromorphe
We study holomorphic vector bundles on non-algebraic compact manifolds, especially on tori. We exhibit phenomena which cannot occur in the algebraic case, e.g. the existence of 2-bundles that cannot be obtained as extensions of a sheaf of ideals by a line bundle. We prove some general theorems in deformations theory of bundles, which is our main tool.
We prove that a singular complex surface that admits a complete holomorphic vector field that has no invariant curve through a singular point of the surface is obtained from a Kato surface by contracting some divisor (in particular, it is compact). We also prove that, in a singular Stein surface endowed with a complete holomorphic vector field, a singular point of the surface where the zeros of the vector field do not accumulate is either a quasihomogeneous or a cyclic quotient singularity. We give...