Note on an anisotropic -Laplacian equation in .
In this paper, we carry out the numerical analysis of a distributed optimal control problem governed by a quasilinear elliptic equation of non-monotone type. The goal is to prove the strong convergence of the discretization of the problem by finite elements. The main issue is to get error estimates for the discretization of the state equation. One of the difficulties in this analysis is that, in spite of the partial differential equation has a unique solution for any given control, the uniqueness...
In this paper, we carry out the numerical analysis of a distributed optimal control problem governed by a quasilinear elliptic equation of non-monotone type. The goal is to prove the strong convergence of the discretization of the problem by finite elements. The main issue is to get error estimates for the discretization of the state equation. One of the difficulties in this analysis is that, in spite of the partial differential equation has a unique solution for any given control, the uniqueness...
In this paper, we present numerical methods for the determination of solitons, that consist in spatially localized stationary states of nonlinear scalar equations or coupled systems arising in nonlinear optics. We first use the well-known shooting method in order to find excited states (characterized by the number of nodes) for the classical nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Asymptotics can then be derived in the limits of either large are large nonlinear exponents . In a second part, we compute...
In this paper, we present numerical methods for the determination of solitons, that consist in spatially localized stationary states of nonlinear scalar equations or coupled systems arising in nonlinear optics. We first use the well-known shooting method in order to find excited states (characterized by the number k of nodes) for the classical nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Asymptotics can then be derived in the limits of either large k are large nonlinear exponents σ. In a second part, we compute...
The paper contributes to the problem of finding all possible structures and waves, which may arise and preserve themselves in the open nonlinear medium, described by the mathematical model of heat structures. A new class of self-similar blow-up solutions of this model is constructed numerically and their stability is investigated. An effective and reliable numerical approach is developed and implemented for solving the nonlinear elliptic self-similar problem and the parabolic problem. This approach...
We introduce a modification of the Monge–Kantorovitch problem of exponent 2 which accommodates non balanced initial and final densities. The augmented lagrangian numerical method introduced in [6] is adapted to this “unbalanced” problem. We illustrate the usability of this method on an idealized error estimation problem in meteorology.
We introduce a modification of the Monge–Kantorovitch problem of exponent 2 which accommodates non balanced initial and final densities. The augmented Lagrangian numerical method introduced in [6] is adapted to this “unbalanced” problem. We illustrate the usability of this method on an idealized error estimation problem in meteorology.
In this work we present new numerical methods to simulate the mechanics of head-tape magnetic storage devices. The elastohydrodynamic problem is formulated in terms of a coupled system which is governed by a nonlinear compressible Reynolds equation for the air pressure over the head, and a rod model for the tape displacement. A fixed point algorithm between the solutions of the elastic and hydrodynamic problems is proposed. For the nonlinear Reynolds equation, a characteristics method and a...