Obere Schranken für Eigenfunktionen eines Operators - ... + q.
This contribution gives an overview of current research in applying object oriented programming to scientific computing at the computational mechanics laboratory (LABMEC) at the school of civil engineering – UNICAMP. The main goal of applying object oriented programming to scientific computing is to implement increasingly complex algorithms in a structured manner and to hide the complexity behind a simple user interface. The following areas are current topics of research and documented within the...
This contribution gives an overview of current research in applying object oriented programming to scientific computing at the computational mechanics laboratory (LABMEC) at the school of civil engineering – UNICAMP. The main goal of applying object oriented programming to scientific computing is to implement increasingly complex algorithms in a structured manner and to hide the complexity behind a simple user interface. The following areas are current topics of research and documented within the...
A priori estimates and strong solvability results in Sobolev space , are proved for the regular oblique derivative problem when the principal coefficients are functions.
The aim of this paper is to extend the results of Calderón [1] and Kenig-Pipher [12] on solutions to the oblique derivative problem to the case where the data is assumed to be BMO or Hölder continuous.
In this paper, we make some observations on the work of Di Fazio concerning estimates, , for solutions of elliptic equations , on a domain with Dirichlet data whenever and . We weaken the assumptions allowing real and complex non-symmetric operators and boundary. We also consider the corresponding inhomogeneous Neumann problem for which we prove the similar result. The main tool is an appropriate representation for the Green (and Neumann) function on the upper half space. We propose...
This work is devoted to the study of a two-dimensional vector Poisson equation with the normal component of the unknown and the value of the divergence of the unknown prescribed simultaneously on the entire boundary. These two scalar boundary conditions appear prima facie alternative in a standard variational framework. An original variational formulation of this boundary value problem is proposed here. Furthermore, an uncoupled solution algorithm is introduced together with its finite element...
A Bernoulli free boundary problem with geometrical constraints is studied. The domain Ω is constrained to lie in the half space determined by x1 ≥ 0 and its boundary to contain a segment of the hyperplane {x1 = 0} where non-homogeneous Dirichlet conditions are imposed. We are then looking for the solution of a partial differential equation satisfying a Dirichlet and a Neumann boundary condition simultaneously on the free boundary. The existence and uniqueness of a solution have already been addressed...
A Bernoulli free boundary problem with geometrical constraints is studied. The domain Ω is constrained to lie in the half space determined by x1 ≥ 0 and its boundary to contain a segment of the hyperplane {x1 = 0} where non-homogeneous Dirichlet conditions are imposed. We are then looking for the solution of a partial differential equation satisfying a Dirichlet and a Neumann boundary condition simultaneously on the free boundary. The existence and uniqueness of a solution have already been addressed...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J40, 49J52, 49J40, 46E30By means of a suitable nonsmooth critical point theory for lower semicontinuous functionals we prove the existence of infinitely many solutions for a class of quasilinear Dirichlet problems with symmetric non-linearities having a one-sided growth condition of exponential type.The research of the authors was partially supported by the MIUR project “Variational and topological methods in the study of nonlinear phenomena” (COFIN 2001)....