Displaying 221 – 240 of 693

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On Neumann elliptic problems with discontinuous nonlinearities

Nikolaos Halidias (2001)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we study a class of nonlinear Neumann elliptic problems with discontinuous nonlinearities. We examine elliptic problems with multivalued boundary conditions involving the subdifferential of a locally Lipschitz function in the sense of Clarke.

On nonhomogeneous reinforcements of varying shape and different exponents

Mohamed Boutkrida, Jacqueline Mossino, Gonoko Moussa (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Studiamo un problema ellittico quasilineare concernente un dominio circondato da un rinforzo sottile di spessore variabile, in cui il coefficiente dell'equazione è (localmente) non costante. Esso concerne due diversi esponenti, uno nel dominio e l'altro nel rinforzo, una condizione di Dirichlelet sulla frontiera esterna e una condizione di trasmissione. Prediciamo il comportamento asintotico della soluzione quando lo spessore, insieme con il coefficiente nel rinforzo, tende a zero perché essi siano...

On nonoscillation of canonical or noncanonical disconjugate functional equations

Bhagat Singh (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Qualitative comparison of the nonoscillatory behavior of the equations L n y ( t ) + H ( t , y ( t ) ) = 0 and L n y ( t ) + H ( t , y ( g ( t ) ) ) = 0 is sought by way of finding different nonoscillation criteria for the above equations. L n is a disconjugate operator of the form L n = 1 p n ( t ) d d t 1 p n - 1 ( t ) d d t ... d d t · p 0 ( t ) . Both canonical and noncanonical forms of L n have been studied.

On non-overdetermined inverse scattering at zero energy in three dimensions

Roman G. Novikov (2006)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We develop the ¯ -approach to inverse scattering at zero energy in dimensions d 3 of [Beals, Coifman 1985], [Henkin, Novikov 1987] and [Novikov 2002]. As a result we give, in particular, uniqueness theorem, precise reconstruction procedure, stability estimate and approximate reconstruction for the problem of finding a sufficiently small potential v in the Schrödinger equation from a fixed non-overdetermined (“backscattering” type) restriction h | Γ of the Faddeev generalized scattering amplitude h in the...

On phase segregation in nonlocal two-particle Hartree systems

Walter Aschbacher, Marco Squassina (2009)

Open Mathematics

We prove the phase segregation phenomenon to occur in the ground state solutions of an interacting system of two self-coupled repulsive Hartree equations for large nonlinear and nonlocal interactions. A self-consistent numerical investigation visualizes the approach to this segregated regime.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 693