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Reaction-diffusion systems: Destabilizing effect of conditions given by inclusions II, Examples

Jan Eisner (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

The destabilizing effect of four different types of multivalued conditions describing the influence of semipermeable membranes or of unilateral inner sources to the reaction-diffusion system is investigated. The validity of the assumptions sufficient for the destabilization which were stated in the first part is verified for these cases. Thus the existence of points at which the spatial patterns bifurcate from trivial solutions is proved.

Reaction-diffusion systems: Destabilizing effect of conditions given by inclusions

Jan Eisner (2000)

Mathematica Bohemica

Sufficient conditions for destabilizing effects of certain unilateral boundary conditions and for the existence of bifurcation points for spatial patterns to reaction-diffusion systems of the activator-inhibitor type are proved. The conditions are related with the mollification method employed to overcome difficulties connected with empty interiors of appropriate convex cones.

Reaction-diffusion-convection problems in unbounded cylinders.

Rozenn Texier-Picard, Vitaly A. Volpert (2003)

Revista Matemática Complutense

The work is devoted to reaction-diffusion-convection problems in unbounded cylinders. We study the Fredholm property and properness of the corresponding elliptic operators and define the topological degree. Together with analysis of the spectrum of the linearized operators it allows us to study bifurcations of solutions, to prove existence of convective waves, and to make some conclusions about their stability.

Reaction-Difusion Model of Early Carcinogenesis: The Effects of Influx of Mutated Cells

Anna Marciniak-Czochra, Marek Kimmel (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper we explore a new model of field carcinogenesis, inspired by lung cancer precursor lesions, which includes dynamics of a spatially distributed population of pre-cancerous cells c(t, x), constantly supplied by an influx μ of mutated normal cells. Cell proliferation is controlled by growth factor molecules bound to cells, b(t, x). Free growth factor molecules g(t, x) are produced by precancerous cells and may diffuse before they become bound to other cells. The purpose of modelling is...

Recent Mathematical Results on Combustion in Hydraulically Resistant Porous Media

P. Gordon (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Gaseous detonation is a phenomenon with very complicated dynamics which has been studied extensively by physicists, mathematicians and engineers for many years. Despite many efforts the problem is far from a complete resolution. Recently the theory of subsonic detonation that occurs in highly resistant porous media was proposed in [4]. This theory provides a model which is realistic, rich and suitable for a mathematical study. In particular, the model is capable of describing the transition from...

Regularity of solutions of the fractional porous medium flow

Luis Caffarelli, Fernando Soria, Juan Luis Vázquez (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study a porous medium equation with nonlocal diffusion effects given by an inverse fractional Laplacian operator. The precise model is u t = · ( u ( - Δ ) - s u ) , 0 < s < 1 . The problem is posed in { x n , t } with nonnegative initial data u ( x , 0 ) that are integrable and decay at infinity. A previous paper has established the existence of mass-preserving, nonnegative weak solutions satisfying energy estimates and finite propagation. As main results we establish the boundedness and C α regularity of such weak solutions. Finally, we extend the existence...

Regularity of stable solutions of p -Laplace equations through geometric Sobolev type inequalities

Daniele Castorina, Manel Sanchón (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove a Sobolev and a Morrey type inequality involving the mean curvature and the tangential gradient with respect to the level sets of the function that appears in the inequalities. Then, as an application, we establish a priori estimates for semistable solutions of Δ p u = g ( u ) in a smooth bounded domain Ω n . In particular, we obtain new L r and W 1 , r bounds for the extremal solution u when the domain is strictly convex. More precisely, we prove that u L ( Ω ) if n p + 2 and u L n p n - p - 2 ( Ω ) W 0 1 , p ( Ω ) if n > p + 2 .

Robust local problem error estimation for a singularly perturbed problem on anisotropic finite element meshes

Gerd Kunert (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Singularly perturbed problems often yield solutions with strong directional features, e.g. with boundary layers. Such anisotropic solutions lend themselves to adapted, anisotropic discretizations. The quality of the corresponding numerical solution is a key issue in any computational simulation. To this end we present a new robust error estimator for a singularly perturbed reaction–diffusion problem. In contrast to conventional estimators, our proposal is suitable for anisotropic finite element...

Robust local problem error estimation for a singularly perturbed problem on anisotropic finite element meshes

Gerd Kunert (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Singularly perturbed problems often yield solutions with strong directional features, e.g. with boundary layers. Such anisotropic solutions lend themselves to adapted, anisotropic discretizations. The quality of the corresponding numerical solution is a key issue in any computational simulation. To this end we present a new robust error estimator for a singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problem. In contrast to conventional estimators, our proposal is suitable for anisotropic finite element...

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