Displaying 121 – 140 of 144

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Two methods for optical flow estimation

Frolkovič, Peter, Kleinová, Viera (2017)

Proceedings of Equadiff 14

In this paper we describe two methods for optical flow estimation between two images. Both methods are based on the backward tracking of characteristics for advection equation and the difference is on the choice of advection vector field. We present numerical experiments on 2D data of cell nucleus.

Two phase flow arising in hydraulics

Ivan Straškraba (2015)

Applications of Mathematics

The aim of this paper is to proceed in the study of the system which will be specified below. The system concerns fluid flow in a simple hydraulic system consisting of a pipe with generator on one side and a valve or some more complicated hydraulic elements on the other end of the pipe. The purpose of the research is a rigorous mathematical analysis of the corresponding linearized system. Here, we analyze the linearized problem near the fixed steady state which already have been explicitly described....

Viscous approach for Linear Hyperbolic Systems with Discontinuous Coefficients

Bruno Fornet (2009)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We introduce small viscosity solutions of hyperbolic systems with discontinuous coefficients accross the fixed noncharacteristic hypersurface { x d = 0 } . Under a geometric stability assumption, our first result is obtained, in the multi-D framework, for piecewise smooth coefficients. For our second result, the considered operator is 𝔻 t + a ( x ) 𝔻 x , with s i g n ( x a ( x ) ) > 0 (expansive case not included in our first result), thus resulting in an infinity of weak solutions. Proving that this problem is uniformly Evans-stable, we show that...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 144