Interaction of progressing waves through a nonlinear potential
This paper deals with the non-conservative coupling of two one-dimensional barotropic Euler systems at an interface at x = 0. The closure pressure laws differ in the domains x < 0 and x > 0, and a Dirac source term concentrated at x = 0 models singular pressure losses. We propose two numerical methods. The first one relies on ghost state reconstructions at the interface while the second is based on a suitable relaxation framework. Both methods satisfy a well-balanced property for stationary...
This paper is concerned with numerical methods for compressible multicomponent fluids. The fluid components are assumed immiscible, and are separated by material interfaces, each endowed with its own equation of state (EOS). Cell averages of computational cells that are occupied by several fluid components require a “mixed-cell” EOS, which may not always be physically meaningful, and often leads to spurious oscillations. We present a new interface tracking algorithm, which avoids using mixed-cell...
The semi-group associated with the Cauchy problem for a scalar conservation law is known to be a contraction in . However it is not a contraction in for any . Leger showed in [20] that for a convex flux, it is however a contraction in up to a suitable shift. We investigate in this paper whether such a contraction may happen for systems. The method is based on the relative entropy method. Our general analysis leads us to the new geometrical notion of Genuinely non-Temple systems. We treat in...
The hypothesis that, on the macroscopic level, the accumulated fatigue of an elastoplastic material with kinematic hardening can be identified from the mathematical point of view with the dissipated energy, is used for the construction of a new constitutive elastoplastic fatigue model. Its analytical investigation characterizes conditions for the formation of singularities in a finite time. The corresponding constitutive law is then coupled with the dynamical equation of motion of a one-dimensional...
For scalar conservation laws in one space dimension with a flux function discontinuous in space, there exist infinitely many classes of solutions which are L1 contractive. Each class is characterized by a connection (A,B) which determines the interface entropy. For solutions corresponding to a connection (A,B), there exists convergent numerical schemes based on Godunov or Engquist−Osher schemes. The natural question is how to obtain schemes, corresponding to computationally less expensive monotone...
We consider magnetic geodesic flows on the two-torus. We prove that the question of existence of polynomial in momenta first integrals on one energy level leads to a semi-Hamiltonian system of quasi-linear equations, i.e. in the hyperbolic regions the system has Riemann invariants and can be written in conservation laws form.
We study numerically the semiclassical limit for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation thanks to a modification of the Madelung transform due to Grenier. This approach allows for the presence of vacuum. Even if the mesh size and the time step do not depend on the Planck constant, we recover the position and current densities in the semiclassical limit, with a numerical rate of convergence in accordance with the theoretical results, before shocks appear in the limiting Euler equation. By using simple...
We study numerically the semiclassical limit for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation thanks to a modification of the Madelung transform due to Grenier. This approach allows for the presence of vacuum. Even if the mesh size and the time step do not depend on the Planck constant, we recover the position and current densities in the semiclassical limit, with a numerical rate of convergence in accordance with the theoretical results, before shocks appear in the limiting Euler equation. By using simple...