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Topological Pressure for One-Dimensional Holomorphic Dynamical Systems

Katrin Gelfert, Christian Wolf (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

For a class of one-dimensional holomorphic maps f of the Riemann sphere we prove that for a wide class of potentials φ the topological pressure is entirely determined by the values of φ on the repelling periodic points of f. This is a version of a classical result of Bowen for hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in the holomorphic non-uniformly hyperbolic setting.

Topology and measure of buried points in Julia sets

Clinton P. Curry, John C. Mayer, E. D. Tymchatyn (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is well-known that the set of buried points of a Julia set of a rational function (also called the residual Julia set) is topologically “fat” in the sense that it is a dense G δ if it is non-empty. We show that it is, in many cases, a full-measure subset of the Julia set with respect to conformal measure and the measure of maximal entropy. We also address Hausdorff dimension of buried points in the same cases, and discuss connectivity and topological dimension of the set of buried points. Finally,...

Topology of Fatou components for endomorphisms of k : linking with the Green’s current

Suzanne Lynch Hruska, Roland K. W. Roeder (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Little is known about the global topology of the Fatou set U(f) for holomorphic endomorphisms f : k k , when k >1. Classical theory describes U(f) as the complement in k of the support of a dynamically defined closed positive (1,1) current. Given any closed positive (1,1) current S on k , we give a definition of linking number between closed loops in k s u p p S and the current S. It has the property that if lk(γ,S) ≠ 0, then γ represents a non-trivial homology element in H ( k s u p p S ) . As an application, we use these linking...

Topology of the regular part for infinitely renormalizable quadratic polynomials

Carlos Cabrera, Tomoki Kawahira (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We describe the well studied process of renormalization of quadratic polynomials from the point of view of their natural extensions. In particular, we describe the topology of the inverse limit of infinitely renormalizable quadratic polynomials and prove that when they satisfy a priori bounds, the topology is rigid modulo combinatorial equivalence.

Trajectories of polynomial vector fields and ascending chains of polynomial ideals

Dmitri Novikov, Sergei Yakovenko (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We give an explicit upper bound for the number of isolated intersections between an integral curve of a polynomial vector field in n and an algebraic hypersurface. The answer is polynomial in the height (the magnitude of coefficients) of the equation and the size of the curve in the space-time, with the exponent depending only on the degree and the dimension.The problem turns out to be closely related to finding an explicit upper bound for the length of ascending chains of polynomial ideals spanned...

Trees and the dynamics of polynomials

Laura G. DeMarco, Curtis T. McMullen (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

In this paper we study branched coverings of metrized, simplicial trees F : T T which arise from polynomial maps f : with disconnected Julia sets. We show that the collection of all such trees, up to scale, forms a contractible space T D compactifying the moduli space of polynomials of degree D ; that F records the asymptotic behavior of the multipliers of f ; and that any meromorphic family of polynomials over Δ * can be completed by a unique tree at its central fiber. In the cubic case we give a combinatorial...

Trees of visible components in the Mandelbrot set

Virpi Kauko (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We discuss the tree structures of the sublimbs of the Mandelbrot set M, using internal addresses of hyperbolic components. We find a counterexample to a conjecture by Eike Lau and Dierk Schleicher concerning topological equivalence between different trees of visible components, and give a new proof to a theorem of theirs concerning the periods of hyperbolic components in various trees.

Twisted cotangent sheaves and a Kobayashi-Ochiai theorem for foliations

Andreas Höring (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a normal projective variety, and let A be an ample Cartier divisor on X . Suppose that X is not the projective space. We prove that the twisted cotangent sheaf Ω X A is generically nef with respect to the polarisation  A . As an application we prove a Kobayashi-Ochiai theorem for foliations: if T X is a foliation such that det i A , then i is at most the rank of .

Twisted matings and equipotential gluings

Xavier Buff, Adam L. Epstein, Sarah Koch (2012)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

One crucial tool for studying postcritically finite rational maps is Thurston’s topological characterization of rational maps. This theorem is proved by iterating a holomorphic endomorphism on a certain Teichmüller space. The graph of this endomorphism covers a correspondence on the level of moduli space. In favorable cases, this correspondence is the graph of a map, which can be used to study matings. We illustrate this by way of example: we study the mating of the basilica with itself.

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