Displaying 321 – 340 of 912

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Immersed spheres in symplectic 4-manifolds

Dusa McDuff (1992)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We discuss conditions under which a symplectic 4-manifold has a compatible Kähler structure. The theory of J -holomorphic embedded spheres is extended to the immersed case. As a consequence, it is shown that a symplectic 4-manifold which has two different minimal reductions must be the blow-up of a rational or ruled surface.

Integrable hierarchies and the modular class

Pantelis A. Damianou, Rui Loja Fernandes (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

It is well-known that the Poisson-Nijenhuis manifolds, introduced by Kosmann-Schwarzbach and Magri form the appropriate setting for studying many classical integrable hierarchies. In order to define the hierarchy, one usually specifies in addition to the Poisson-Nijenhuis manifold a bi-hamiltonian vector field. In this paper we show that to every Poisson-Nijenhuis manifold one can associate a canonical vector field (no extra choices are involved!) which under an appropriate assumption defines an...

Integrable systems and group actions

Eva Miranda (2014)

Open Mathematics

The main purpose of this paper is to present in a unified approach to different results concerning group actions and integrable systems in symplectic, Poisson and contact manifolds. Rigidity problems for integrable systems in these manifolds will be explored from this perspective.

Integrable systems and moduli spaces of rank two vector bundles on a non-hyperelliptic genus 3 curve

Pol Vanhaecke (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We use the methods that were developed by Adler and van Moerbeke to determine explicit equations for a certain moduli space, that was studied by Narasimhan and Ramanan. Stated briefly it is, for a fixed non-hyperelliptic Riemann surface Γ of genus 3 , the moduli space of semi-stable rank two bundles with trivial determinant on Γ . They showed that it can be realized as a projective variety, more precisely as a quartic hypersurface of 7 , whose singular locus is the Kummer variety of Γ . We first construct...

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 912