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Derivatives of Hadamard type in scalar constrained optimization

Karel Pastor (2017)


Vsevolod I. Ivanov stated (Nonlinear Analysis 125 (2015), 270-289) the general second-order optimality condition for the constrained vector problem in terms of Hadamard derivatives. We will consider its special case for a scalar problem and show some corollaries for example for -stable at feasible point functions. Then we show the advantages of obtained results with respect to the previously obtained results.

Description of the lack of compactness for the Sobolev imbedding

P. Gérard (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We prove that any bounded sequence in a Hilbert homogeneous Sobolev space has a subsequence which can be decomposed as an almost-orthogonal sum of a sequence going strongly to zero in the corresponding Lebesgue space, and of a superposition of terms obtained from fixed profiles by applying sequences of translations and dilations. This decomposition contains in particular the various versions of the concentration-compactness principle.

Design of predictive LQ controller

Miroslav Fikar, Sebastian Engell, Petr Dostál (1999)


A single variable controller is developed in the predictive control framework based upon minimisation of the LQ criterion with infinite output and control horizons. The infinite version of the predictive cost function results in better stability properties of the controller and still enables to incorporate constraints into the control design. The constrained controller consists of two parts: time-invariant nominal LQ controller and time-variant part given by Youla–Kučera parametrisation of all stabilising...

Design of robust output affine quadratic controller

Vojtech Veselý (2004)


The paper addresses the problem robust output feedback controller design with guaranteed cost and affine quadratic stability for linear continuous time affine systems. The proposed design method leads to a non-iterative LMI based algorithm. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design procedure.

Design-dependent loads in topology optimization

Blaise Bourdin, Antonin Chambolle (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We present, analyze, and implement a new method for the design of the stiffest structure subject to a pressure load or a given field of internal forces. Our structure is represented as a subset S of a reference domain, and the complement of S is made of two other “phases”, the “void” and a fictitious “liquid” that exerts a pressure force on its interface with the solid structure. The problem we consider is to minimize the compliance of the structure S , which is the total work of the pressure and...

Design-dependent loads in topology optimization

Blaise Bourdin, Antonin Chambolle (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We present, analyze, and implement a new method for the design of the stiffest structure subject to a pressure load or a given field of internal forces. Our structure is represented as a subset S of a reference domain, and the complement of S is made of two other “phases”, the “void” and a fictitious “liquid” that exerts a pressure force on its interface with the solid structure. The problem we consider is to minimize the compliance of the structure S, which is the total work of the pressure...

Deterministic minimax impulse control in finite horizon: the viscosity solution approach

Brahim El Asri (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study here the impulse control minimax problem. We allow the cost functionals and dynamics to be unbounded and hence the value functions can possibly be unbounded. We prove that the value function of the problem is continuous. Moreover, the value function is characterized as the unique viscosity solution of an Isaacs quasi-variational inequality. This problem is in relation with an application in mathematical finance.

Deterministic state-constrained optimal control problems without controllability assumptions

Olivier Bokanowski, Nicolas Forcadel, Hasnaa Zidani (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In the present paper, we consider nonlinear optimal control problems with constraints on the state of the system. We are interested in the characterization of the value function without any controllability assumption. In the unconstrained case, it is possible to derive a characterization of the value function by means of a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. This equation expresses the behavior of the value function along the trajectories arriving or starting from any position x. In the constrained...

Deterministic state-constrained optimal control problems without controllability assumptions

Olivier Bokanowski, Nicolas Forcadel, Hasnaa Zidani (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In the present paper, we consider nonlinear optimal control problems with constraints on the state of the system. We are interested in the characterization of the value function without any controllability assumption. In the unconstrained case, it is possible to derive a characterization of the value function by means of a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. This equation expresses the behavior of the value function along the trajectories arriving or starting from any position x. In...

Diagnosis on a sliding window for partially observable Petri nets

Amira Chouchane, Philippe Declerck (2022)


In this paper, we propose an algebraic approach to investigate the diagnosis of partially observable labeled Petri nets based on state estimation on a sliding window of a predefined length h . Given an observation, the resulting diagnosis state can be computed while solving integer linear programming problems with a reduced subset of basis markings. The proposed approach consists in exploiting a subset of h observations at each estimation step, which provides a partial diagnosis relevant to the current...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 145