Displaying 81 – 100 of 119

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On the stabilization problem for nonholonomic distributions

Ludovic Rifford, Emmanuel Trélat (2009)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let M be a smooth connected complete manifold of dimension n , and Δ be a smooth nonholonomic distribution of rank m n on M . We prove that if there exists a smooth Riemannian metric on1for which no nontrivial singular path is minimizing, then there exists a smooth repulsive stabilizing section of Δ on M . Moreover, in dimension three, the assumption of the absence of singular minimizing horizontal paths can be dropped in the Martinet case. The proofs are based on the study, using specific results of...

On torsional rigidity and principal frequencies: an invitation to the Kohler−Jobin rearrangement technique

Lorenzo Brasco (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We generalize to the p-Laplacian Δp a spectral inequality proved by M.-T. Kohler−Jobin. As a particular case of such a generalization, we obtain a sharp lower bound on the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of Δp of a set in terms of its p-torsional rigidity. The result is valid in every space dimension, for every 1 < p < ∞ and for every open set with finite measure. Moreover, it holds by replacing the first eigenvalue with more general optimal Poincaré-Sobolev constants. The method of proof...

On variations of the shape Hessian and sufficient conditions for the stability of critical shapes.

Marc Dambrine (2002)


Para el estudio de la naturaleza de formas críticas en optimización de formas se requieren algunas propiedades de continuidad sobre las derivadas de segundo orden de las formas. Dado que la fórmula de Taylor-Young involucra a diferentes topologías que no son equivalentes, dicha fórmula no permite deducir cuando una forma crítica es un mínimo local estricto de la función forma pese a que su Hessiano sea definido positivo en ese punto. El resultado principal de este trabajo ofrece una cota superior...

Optimal control problems on parallelizable riemannian manifolds : theory and applications

Ram V. Iyer, Raymond Holsapple, David Doman (2006)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The motivation for this work is the real-time solution of a standard optimal control problem arising in robotics and aerospace applications. For example, the trajectory planning problem for air vehicles is naturally cast as an optimal control problem on the tangent bundle of the Lie Group S E ( 3 ) , which is also a parallelizable riemannian manifold. For an optimal control problem on the tangent bundle of such a manifold, we use frame co-ordinates and obtain first-order necessary conditions employing calculus...

Optimal control problems on parallelizable Riemannian manifolds: theory and applications

Ram V. Iyer, Raymond Holsapple, David Doman (2005)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The motivation for this work is the real-time solution of a standard optimal control problem arising in robotics and aerospace applications. For example, the trajectory planning problem for air vehicles is naturally cast as an optimal control problem on the tangent bundle of the Lie Group SE(3), which is also a parallelizable Riemannian manifold. For an optimal control problem on the tangent bundle of such a manifold, we use frame co-ordinates and obtain first-order necessary conditions...

Optimal convex shapes for concave functionals

Dorin Bucur, Ilaria Fragalà, Jimmy Lamboley (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Motivated by a long-standing conjecture of Pólya and Szegö about the Newtonian capacity of convex bodies, we discuss the role of concavity inequalities in shape optimization, and we provide several counterexamples to the Blaschke-concavity of variational functionals, including capacity. We then introduce a new algebraic structure on convex bodies, which allows to obtain global concavity and indecomposability results, and we discuss their application...

Optimal convex shapes for concave functionals

Dorin Bucur, Ilaria Fragalà, Jimmy Lamboley (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Motivated by a long-standing conjecture of Pólya and Szegö about the Newtonian capacity of convex bodies, we discuss the role of concavity inequalities in shape optimization, and we provide several counterexamples to the Blaschke-concavity of variational functionals, including capacity. We then introduce a new algebraic structure on convex bodies, which allows to obtain global concavity and indecomposability results, and we discuss their application to isoperimetric-like inequalities. As a byproduct...

Optimal convex shapes for concave functionals

Dorin Bucur, Ilaria Fragalà, Jimmy Lamboley (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Motivated by a long-standing conjecture of Pólya and Szegö about the Newtonian capacity of convex bodies, we discuss the role of concavity inequalities in shape optimization, and we provide several counterexamples to the Blaschke-concavity of variational functionals, including capacity. We then introduce a new algebraic structure on convex bodies, which allows to obtain global concavity and indecomposability results, and we discuss their application...

Optimal design in small amplitude homogenization

Grégoire Allaire, Sergio Gutiérrez (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper is concerned with optimal design problems with a special assumption on the coefficients of the state equation. Namely we assume that the variations of these coefficients have a small amplitude. Then, making an asymptotic expansion up to second order with respect to the aspect ratio of the coefficients allows us to greatly simplify the optimal design problem. By using the notion of H-measures we are able to prove general existence theorems for small amplitude optimal design and to provide...

Optimal design of cylindrical shells

Peter Nestler, Werner H. Schmidt (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

The present paper studies an optimization problem of dynamically loaded cylindrical tubes. This is a problem of linear elasticity theory. As we search for the optimal thickness of the tube which minimizes the displacement under forces, this is a problem of shape optimization. The mathematical model is given by a differential equation (ODE and PDE, respectively); the mechanical problem is described as an optimal control problem. We consider both the stationary (time independent) and the transient...

Optimal design of laminated plate with obstacle

Ján Lovíšek (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

The aim of the present paper is to study problems of optimal design in mechanics, whose variational form is given by inequalities expressing the principle of virtual power in its inequality form. The elliptic, linear symmetric operators as well as convex sets of possible states depend on the control parameter. The existence theorem for the optimal control is applied to design problems for an elastic laminated plate whose variable thickness appears as a control variable.

Optimal design of the cooling plunger cavity

Petr Salač (2013)

Applications of Mathematics

An axisymmetric system of mould, glass piece, plunger and plunger cavity is considered. The state problem is given as a stationary head conduction process. The system includes the glass piece representing the heat source and is cooled inside the plunger cavity by flowing water and outside by the environment of the mould. The design variable is taken to be the shape of the inner surface of the plunger cavity. The cost functional is the second power of the norm in the weighted space L r 2 of difference...

Optimal design of turbines with an attached mass

Boris P. Belinskiy, C. Maeve McCarthy, Terry J. Walters (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We minimize, with respect to shape, the moment of inertia of a turbine having the given lowest eigenfrequency of the torsional oscillations. The necessary conditions of optimality in conjunction with certain physical parameters admit a unique optimal design.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 119