Displaying 181 – 200 of 319

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On the Gauss map of B-scrolls in 3 -dimensional Lorentzian space forms

Angel Ferrández, Pascual Lucas (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this note we show that B -scrolls over null curves in a 3-dimensional Lorentzian space form M ¯ 1 3 ( c ) are characterized as the only ruled surfaces with null rulings whose Gauss maps G satisfy the condition Δ G = Λ G , Λ X ( M ¯ ) X ( M ¯ ) being a parallel endomorphism of X ( M ¯ ) .

On the geometrical properties of Heisenberg groups

Mehri Nasehi (2020)

Archivum Mathematicum

In [20] the existence of major differences about totally geodesic two-dimensional foliations between Riemannian and Lorentzian geometry of the Heisenberg group H 3 is proved. Our aim in this paper is to obtain a comparison on some other geometrical properties of these spaces. Interesting behaviours are found. Also the non-existence of left-invariant Ricci and Yamabe solitons and the existence of algebraic Ricci soliton in both Riemannian and Lorentzian cases are proved. Moreover, all of the descriptions...

On the geometry of some solvable extensions of the Heisenberg group

Mehri Nasehi, Mansour Aghasi (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we first classify left-invariant generalized Ricci solitons on some solvable extensions of the Heisenberg group in both Riemannian and Lorentzian cases. Then we obtain the exact form of all left-invariant unit time-like vector fields which are spatially harmonic. We also calculate the energy of an arbitrary left-invariant vector field X on these spaces and obtain all vector fields which are critical points for the energy functional restricted to vector fields of the same length. Furthermore,...

On the Heisenberg sub-Lorentzian metric on ℝ³

Marek Grochowski (2004)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we study properties of the Heisenberg sub-Lorentzian metric on ℝ³. We compute the conjugate locus of the origin, and prove that the sub-Lorentzian distance in this case is differentiable on some open set. We also prove the existence of regular non-Hamiltonian geodesics, a phenomenon which does not occur in the sub-Riemannian case.

On the holonomy of Lorentzian metrics

Charles Boubel (2007)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Indecomposable Lorentzian holonomy algebras, except 𝔰𝔬 ( n , 1 ) and { 0 } , are not semi-simple; they possibly belong to four families of algebras. All four families are realized as families of holonomy algebras: we describe the corresponding set of germs of metrics in each case.

On the quadric CMC spacelike hypersurfaces in Lorentzian space forms

Cícero P. Aquino, Henrique F. de Lima, Fábio R. dos Santos (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We deal with complete spacelike hypersurfaces immersed with constant mean curvature in a Lorentzian space form. Under the assumption that the support functions with respect to a fixed nonzero vector are linearly related, we prove that such a hypersurface must be either totally umbilical or isometric to a hyperbolic cylinder of the ambient space.

On the topology of spherically symmetric space-times

J. Szenthe (2004)

Open Mathematics

Spherically symmetric space-times have attained considerable attention ever since the early beginnings of the theory of general relativity. In fact, they have appeared already in the papers of K. Schwarzschild [12] and W. De Sitter [5] which were published in 1916 and 1917 respectively soon after Einstein's epoch-making work [7] in 1915. The present survey is concerned mainly with recent results pertainig to the toplogy of spherically symmetric space-times. Definition. By space-time a connected...

Osculating curves in 4-dimensional semi-Euclidean space with index 2

Kazim İlarslan, Nihal Kiliç, Hatice Altin Erdem (2017)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for non-null curves with non-null normals in 4-dimensional Semi-Euclidian space with indeks 2 to be osculating curves. Also we give some examples of non-null osculating curves in [...] E24 𝔼 2 4 .

Parabolicity and rigidity of spacelike hypersurfaces immersed in a Lorentzian Killing warped product

Eudes L. de Lima, Henrique F. de Lima, Eraldo A. Jr. Lima, Adriano A. Medeiros (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we extend a technique due to Romero et al. establishing sufficient conditions to guarantee the parabolicity of complete spacelike hypersurfaces immersed into a Lorentzian Killing warped product whose Riemannian base has parabolic universal Riemannian covering. As applications, we obtain rigidity results concerning these hypersurfaces. A particular study of entire Killing graphs is also made.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 319