Displaying 81 – 100 of 241

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Géométries modèles de dimension trois

Yves de Cornulier (2008/2009)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

On expose une preuve détaillée de la classification par Thurston des huit géométries modèles de dimension trois.

Geometrization of three manifolds and Perelman's proof.

Joan Porti (2008)


This is a survey about Thurston’s geometrization conjecture of three manifolds and Perelman’s proof with the Ricci flow. In particular we review the essential contribution of Hamilton as well as some results in topology relevants for the proof.

Gradients de Heegaard sous-logarithmiques d’une variété hyperbolique de dimension trois et fibres virtuelles

Claire Renard (2010/2011)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

J. Maher a montré qu’une variété hyperbolique de dimension 3 compacte sans bord, connexe et orientable fibre virtuellement sur le cercle si et seulement si elle admet une famille infinie de revêtements finis de genre de Heegaard borné. En s’appuyant sur la démonstration de Maher, cet article présente un théorème donnant une condition suffisante pour qu’un revêtement fini d’une variété hyperbolique compacte de dimension 3 contienne une fibre virtuelle, qui s’exprime en fonction du degré d du revêtement...

Homotopy invariance of higher signatures and 3 -manifold groups

Michel Matthey, Hervé Oyono-Oyono, Wolfgang Pitsch (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

For closed oriented manifolds, we establish oriented homotopy invariance of higher signatures that come from the fundamental group of a large class of orientable 3 -manifolds, including the “piecewise geometric” ones in the sense of Thurston. In particular, this class, that will be carefully described, is the class of all orientable 3 -manifolds if the Thurston Geometrization Conjecture is true. In fact, for this type of groups, we show that the Baum-Connes Conjecture With Coefficients holds. The...

Hyperbolic knots and cyclic branched covers.

Luisa Paoluzzi (2005)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We collect several results on the determination of hyperbolic knots by means of their cyclic branched covers. We construct examples of knots having two common cyclic branched covers. Finally, we briefiy discuss the problem of determination of hyperbolic links.

Ideal triangulations of hyperbolic 3 -manifolds

Carlo Petronio (2000)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Quello delle triangolazioni geodetiche ideali è un metodo molto potente per costruire strutture iperboliche complete di volume finito su 3-varietà non compatte, ma non è noto se il metodo sia applicabile in generale. È tuttavia noto che esistono triangolazioni ideali parzialmente piatte, ma l'analisi della situazione diviene più ardua sotto diversi aspetti, quando si ha a che fare con tetraedri piatti oltre che veri tetraedri. In particolare, la topologia dello spazio di identificazione può degenerare,...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 241