Discrete -groups with a parabolic generator.
We investigate the relationship between a discrete version of thickness and its smooth counterpart. These discrete energies are deffned on equilateral polygons with n vertices. It will turn out that the smooth ropelength, which is the scale invariant quotient of length divided by thickness, is the Γ-limit of the discrete ropelength for n → ∞, regarding the topology induced by the Sobolev norm ‖ · ‖ W1,∞(S1,ℝd). This result directly implies the convergence of almost minimizers of the discrete energies...
We prove that Wada’s twisted Alexander polynomial of a knot group associated to any nonabelian -representation is a polynomial. As a corollary, we show that it is always a monic polynomial of degree for a fibered knot of genus .
The present paper is devoted to establish a connection between the 4-manifold representation method by dotted framed links (or -in the closed case- by Heegaard diagrams) and the so called crystallization theory, which visualizes general PL-manifolds by means of edge-colored graphs.In particular, it is possible to obtain a crystallization of a closed 4-manifold M4 starting from a Heegaard diagram (#m(S1 x S2),ω) and the algorithmicity of the whole process depends on the effective possibility of recognizing...
We consider representations of the fundamental group of the four punctured sphere into . The moduli space of representations modulo conjugacy is the character variety. The Mapping Class Group of the punctured sphere acts on this space by symplectic polynomial automorphisms. This dynamical system can be interpreted as the monodromy of the Painlevé VI equation. Infinite bounded orbits are characterized: they come from -representations. We prove the absence of invariant affine structure (and invariant...