Displaying 721 – 740 of 1746

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Isospectral Riemann surfaces

Peter Buser (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We construct new examples of compact Riemann surfaces which are non isometric but have the same spectrum of the Laplacian. Examples are given for genus g = 5 and for all g 7 . In a second part we give examples of isospectral non isometric surfaces in R 3 which are realizable by paper models.

Isospectrality for quantum toric integrable systems

Laurent Charles, Álvaro Pelayo, San Vũ Ngoc (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We give a full description of the semiclassical spectral theory of quantum toric integrable systems using microlocal analysis for Toeplitz operators. This allows us to settle affirmatively the isospectral problem for quantum toric integrable systems: the semiclassical joint spectrum of the system, given by a sequence of commuting Toeplitz operators on a sequence of Hilbert spaces, determines the classical integrable system given by the symplectic manifold and commuting Hamiltonians. This type of...

Kähler-Einstein metrics singular along a smooth divisor

Raffe Mazzeo (1999)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

In this note we discuss some recent and ongoing joint work with Thalia Jeffres concerning the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics on compact Kähler manifolds which have a prescribed incomplete singularity along a smooth divisor D . We shall begin with a general discussion of the problem, and give a rough outline of the “classical” proof of existence in the smooth case, due to Yau and Aubin, where no singularities are prescribed. Following this is a discussion of the geometry of the conical or edge...

K-theory of Boutet de Monvel's algebra

Severino T. Melo, Ryszard Nest, Elmar Schrohe (2003)

Banach Center Publications

We consider the norm closure 𝔄 of the algebra of all operators of order and class zero in Boutet de Monvel's calculus on a compact manifold X with boundary ∂X. Assuming that all connected components of X have nonempty boundary, we show that K₁(𝔄) ≃ K₁(C(X)) ⊕ ker χ, where χ: K₀(C₀(T*Ẋ)) → ℤ is the topological index, T*Ẋ denoting the cotangent bundle of the interior. Also K₀(𝔄) is topologically determined. In case ∂X has torsion free K-theory, we get K₀(𝔄) ≃ K₀(C(X)) ⊕ K₁(C₀(T*Ẋ)).

L p - L q estimates for functions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on noncompact symmetric spaces. III

Michael Cowling, Saverio Giulini, Stefano Meda (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a symmetric space of the noncompact type, with Laplace–Beltrami operator - , and let [ b , ) be the L 2 ( X ) -spectrum of . For τ in such that Re τ 0 , let 𝒫 τ be the operator on L 2 ( X ) defined formally as exp ( - τ ( - b ) 1 / 2 ) . In this paper, we obtain L p - L q operator norm estimates for 𝒫 τ for all τ , and show that these are optimal when τ is small and when | arg τ | is bounded below π / 2 .

L¹-convergence and hypercontractivity of diffusion semigroups on manifolds

Feng-Yu Wang (2004)

Studia Mathematica

Let P t be the Markov semigroup generated by a weighted Laplace operator on a Riemannian manifold, with μ an invariant probability measure. If the curvature associated with the generator is bounded below, then the exponential convergence of P t in L¹(μ) implies its hypercontractivity. Consequently, under this curvature condition L¹-convergence is a property stronger than hypercontractivity but weaker than ultracontractivity. Two examples are presented to show that in general, however, L¹-convergence...

Currently displaying 721 – 740 of 1746