Displaying 1561 – 1580 of 1746

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Traceless component of the conformal curvature tensor in Kähler manifold

Shoichi Funabashi, Hyang Sook Kim, Y.-M. Kim, Jin Suk Pak (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We investigate the traceless component of the conformal curvature tensor defined by (2.1) in Kähler manifolds of dimension 4 , and show that the traceless component is invariant under concircular change. In particular, we determine Kähler manifolds with vanishing traceless component and improve some theorems (for example, [4, pp. 313–317]) concerning the conformal curvature tensor and the spectrum of the Laplacian acting on p ...

Traces and quasi-traces on the Boutet de Monvel algebra

Gerd Grubb, Elmar Schrohe (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We construct an analogue of Kontsevich and Vishik’s canonical trace for pseudodifferential boundary value problems in the Boutet de Monvel calculus on compact manifolds with boundary. For an operator A in the calculus (of class zero), and an auxiliary operator B , formed of the Dirichlet realization of a strongly elliptic second- order differential operator and an elliptic operator on the boundary, we consider the coefficient C 0 ( A , B ) of ( - λ ) - N in the asymptotic expansion of the resolvent trace Tr ( A ( B - λ ) - N ) (with N large)...

Transition operators on co-compact G-spaces.

Laurent Saloff-Coste, Wolfgang Woess (2006)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We develop methods for studying transition operators on metric spaces that are invariant under a co-compact group which acts properly. A basic requirement is a decomposition of such operators with respect to the group orbits. We then introduce reduced transition operators on the compact factor space whose norms and spectral radii are upper bounds for the Lp-norms and spectral radii of the original operator. If the group is amenable then the spectral radii of the original and reduced operators coincide,...

Transversal biwave maps

Yuan-Jen Chiang, Robert A. Wolak (2010)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we prove that the composition of a transversal biwave map and a transversally totally geodesic map is a transversal biwave map. We show that there are biwave maps which are not transversal biwave maps, and there are transversal biwave maps which are not biwave maps either. We prove that if f is a transversal biwave map satisfying certain condition, then f is a transversal wave map. We finally study the transversal conservation laws of transversal biwave maps.

Triplets spectraux pour les variétés à singularité conique isolée

Jean-Marie Lescure (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Sur une pseudo-variété de dimension paire à une singularité conique isolée, des triplets spectraux sont construits à partir d’une classe d’opérateurs différentiels elliptiques de type Fuchs, contenant les opérateurs de Dirac à coefficients dans des fibrés plats dans la direction radiale. Ces derniers engendrent, sous une hypothèse raisonnable, le groupe de K -homologie pair tensorisé par de la pseudo-variété et leur caractère de Chern est calculé.

Trivial noncommutative principal torus bundles

Stefan Wagner (2011)

Banach Center Publications

A (smooth) dynamical system with transformation group ⁿ is a triple (A,ⁿ,α), consisting of a unital locally convex algebra A, the n-torus ⁿ and a group homomorphism α: ⁿ → Aut(A), which induces a (smooth) continuous action of ⁿ on A. In this paper we present a new, geometrically oriented approach to the noncommutative geometry of trivial principal ⁿ-bundles based on such dynamical systems, i.e., we call a dynamical system (A,ⁿ,α) a trivial noncommutative principal ⁿ-bundle if each isotypic component...

Twistor forms on Kähler manifolds

Andrei Moroianu, Uwe Semmelmann (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

Twistor forms are a natural generalization of conformal vector fields on riemannian manifolds. They are defined as sections in the kernel of a conformally invariant first order differential operator. We study twistor forms on compact Kähler manifolds and give a complete description up to special forms in the middle dimension. In particular, we show that they are closely related to hamiltonian 2-forms. This provides the first examples of compact Kähler manifolds with non–parallel twistor forms in...

Currently displaying 1561 – 1580 of 1746