Finite element estimates for a class of nonlinear variational inequalities.
The present paper deals with a finite element approximation of partial differential equations when the domain is decomposed into sub-domains which are meshed independently. The method we obtain is never conforming because the continuity constraints on the boundary of the sub-domains are not imposed strongly but only penalized. We derive a selection rule for the penalty parameter which ensures a quasi-optimal convergence.
The present paper deals with a finite element approximation of partial differential equations when the domain is decomposed into sub-domains which are meshed independently. The method we obtain is never conforming because the continuity constraints on the boundary of the sub-domains are not imposed strongly but only penalized. We derive a selection rule for the penalty parameter which ensures a quasi-optimal convergence.
Existence and finite element approximation of a hyperbolic-parabolic problem is studied. The original two-dimensional domain is approximated by a polygonal one (external approximations). The time discretization is obtained using Euler’s backward formula (Rothe’s method). Under certain smoothing assumptions on the data (see (2.6), (2.7)) the existence and uniqueness of the solution and the convergence of Rothe’s functions in the space is proved.
In this paper we present a weak formulation of a two-dimensional stationary heat conduction problem with the radiation boundary condition. The problem can be described by an operator which is monotone on the convex set of admissible functions. The relation between classical and weak solutions as well as the convergence of the finite element method to the weak solution in the norm of the Sobolev space are examined.
The paper is devoted to the numerical modelling of a subsonic irrotational nonviscous flow past a cascade of profiles in a variable thickness fluid layer. It leads to a nonlinear two-dimensional elliptic problem with nonstandard nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. The problem is discretized by the finite element method. Both theoretical and practical questions of the finite element implementation are studied; convergence of the method, numerical integration, iterative methods for the solution of...
In part I of the paper (see Zlámal [13]) finite element solutions of the nonstationary semiconductor equations were constructed. Two fully discrete schemes were proposed. One was nonlinear, the other partly linear. In this part of the paper we justify the nonlinear scheme. We consider the case of basic boundary conditions and of constant mobilities and prove that the scheme is unconditionally stable. Further, we show that the approximate solution, extended to the whole time interval as a piecewise...