A discrete Hardy-Laptev-Weidl-type inequality and associated Schrödinger-type operators.
An approach to construction of topological invariants of the Reshetikhin-Turaev-Witten type of 3- and 4-dimensional manifolds in the framework of SU(2) Chern-Simons gauge theory and its hidden (quantum) gauge symmetry is presented.
Starting from the scheme given by Hudson and Parthasarathy [7,11] we extend the conservation integral to the case where the underlying operator does not commute with the time observable. It turns out that there exist two extensions, a left and a right conservation integral. Moreover, Itô's formula demands for a third integral with two integrators. Only the left integral shows similar continuity properties to that derived in [11] used for extending the integral to more than simple integrands. In...
In this article the linear Boltzmann equation is derived for a particle interacting with a Gaussian random field, in the weak coupling limit, with renewal in time of the random field. The initial data can be chosen arbitrarily. The proof is geometric and involves coherent states and semi-classical calculus.
We establish a Lieb-Thirring type estimate for Pauli Hamiltonians with non-homogeneous magnetic fields. Besides of depending on the size of the field, the bound also takes into account the size of the field gradient. We then apply the inequality to prove stability of non-relativistic quantum mechanical matter coupled to the quantized ultraviolet-cutoff electromagnetic field for arbitrary values of the fine structure constant.