One possibility of multidimensional control system design
By the use of flatness the problem of pole placement, which consists in imposing closed loop system dynamics can be related to tracking. Polynomial controllers for finite-dimensional linear systems can then be designed with very natural choices for high level parameters design. This design leads to a Bezout equation which is independent of the closed loop dynamics but depends only on the system model.
Processes modeled by a timed event graph may be represented by a linear model in dioïd algebra. The aim of this paper is to make temporal control synthesis when state vector is unknown. This information loss is compensated by the use of a simple model, the “ARMA” equations, which enables to introduce the concept of predictability. The comparison of the predictable output trajectory with the desired output determines the reachability of the objective.
In this paper the design of a time varying switching plane for the sliding mode control of the third order system subject to the velocity and acceleration constraints is considered. Initially the plane passes through the system representative point in the error state space and then it moves with a constant velocity to the origin of the space. Having reached the origin the plane stops and remains motionless. The plane parameters (determining angles of inclination and the velocity of its motion) are...
The paper addresses receding-horizon (predictive) control for polytopic discrete-time systems subject to input/state constraints and unknown but bounded disturbances. The objective is to optimize nominal performance while guaranteeing robust stability and constraint satisfaction. The latter goal is achieved by exploiting robust invariant sets under linear and nonlinear control laws. Tradeoffs between maximizing the initial feasibility region and guaranteeing ultimate boundedness in the smallest...
In this paper we analyze several concepts of solution to discontinuous ODEs in relation to feedbacks generated by optimal syntheses. Optimal trajectories are called Stratified Solutions in case of regular synthesis in the sense of Boltyanskii–Brunovsky. We introduce a concept of solution called Krasowskii Cone Robust that characterizes optimal trajectories for minimum time on the plane and for general problems under suitable assumptions.
In this paper we analyze several concepts of solution to discontinuous ODEs in relation to feedbacks generated by optimal syntheses. Optimal trajectories are called Stratified Solutions in case of regular synthesis in the sense of Boltyanskii-Brunovsky. We introduce a concept of solution called Krasowskii Cone Robust that characterizes optimal trajectories for minimum time on the plane and for general problems under suitable assumptions.
This paper presents a procedure for constructing a stable decentralized output feedback controller for a class of uncertain systems in which the uncertainty is described by Integral Quadratic Constraints. The controller is constructed to solve a problem of robust control. The proposed procedure involves solving a set of algebraic Riccati equations of the control type which are dependent on a number of scaling parameters. By treating the off-diagonal elements of the controller transfer function...
A previous paper by the same authors presented a general theory solving (finite horizon) feasibility and optimization problems for linear dynamic discrete-time systems with polyhedral constraints. We derived necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions without assuming any restrictive hypothesis. For the solvable cases we also provided the inequative feedback dynamic system, that generates by forward recursion all and nothing but the feasible (or optimal, according to the cases)...
The structural properties of self-bounded controlled invariant subspaces are fundamental to the synthesis of a dynamic feedforward compensator achieving insensitivity of the controlled output to a disturbance input accessible for measurement, on the assumption that the system is stable or pre-stabilized by an inner feedback. The control system herein devised has several important features: i) minimum order of the feedforward compensator; ii) minimum number of unassignable dynamics internal to the...
This paper provides an overview of recent results for relay-delay systems. In a first section, simple examples illustrate the problems induced by delays in the synthesis of sliding mode controllers. Then, a brief overview of the existing results shows the present advances and limits in this domain. The last parts of the paper are devoted to new results: first, for systems with state delay, then for systems with input delay.
We study Hamiltonian systems which generate extremal flows of regular variational problems on smooth manifolds and demonstrate that negativity of the generalized curvature of such a system implies the existence of a global smooth optimal synthesis for the infinite horizon problem. We also show that in the Euclidean case negativity of the generalized curvature is a consequence of the convexity of the Lagrangian with respect to the pair of arguments. Finally, we give a generic classification for...