Displaying 161 – 180 of 1697

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An extension of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for nonlinear time-varying systems

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The classical Cayley-Hamilton theorem is extended to nonlinear time-varying systems with square and rectangular system matrices. It is shown that in both cases system matrices satisfy many equations with coefficients being the coefficients of characteristic polynomials of suitable square matrices. The proposed theorems are illustrated with numerical examples.

An H sliding mode observer for Takagi-Sugeno nonlinear systems with simultaneous actuator and sensor faults

Ali Ben Brahim, Slim Dhahri, Fayçal Ben Hmida, Anis Sellami (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper considers the problem of robust reconstruction of simultaneous actuator and sensor faults for a class of uncertain Takagi-Sugeno nonlinear systems with unmeasurable premise variables. The proposed fault reconstruction and estimation design method with H∞ performance is used to reconstruct both actuator and sensor faults when the latter are transformed into pseudo-actuator faults by introducing a simple filter. The main contribution is to develop a sliding mode observer (SMO) with two...

An improved delay-dependent stabilization criterion of linear time-varying delay systems: An iterative method

Venkatesh Modala, Sourav Patra, Goshaidas Ray (2023)


This paper presents delay-dependent stabilization criteria for linear time-varying delay systems. A less conservative stabilization criterion is derived by invoking a new Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and then, extended reciprocally convex inequality in combination with Wirtinger's inequality is exploited to obtain an improved stabilization criterion where a set of nonlinear matrix inequalities is solved by applying the cone complementarity algorithm. The proposed stabilization technique transforms...

An infinite horizon predictive control algorithm based on multivariable input-output models

Maciej Ławryńczuk, Piotr Tatjewski (2004)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper an infinite horizon predictive control algorithm, for which closed loop stability is guaranteed, is developed in the framework of multivariable linear input-output models. The original infinite dimensional optimisation problem is transformed into a finite dimensional one with a penalty term. In the unconstrained case the stabilising control law, using a numerically reliable SVD decomposition, is derived as an analytical formula, calculated off-line. Considering constraints needs solving...

An Ingham type proof for a two-grid observability theorem

Michel Mehrenberger, Paola Loreti (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Here, we prove the uniform observability of a two-grid method for the semi-discretization of the 1 D -wave equation for a time T > 2 2 ; this time, if the observation is made in ( - T / 2 , T / 2 ) , is optimal and this result improves an earlier work of Negreanu and Zuazua [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I 338 (2004) 413–418]. Our proof follows an Ingham type approach.

An Ingham type proof for a two-grid observability theorem

Paola Loreti, Michel Mehrenberger (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Here, we prove the uniform observability of a two-grid method for the semi-discretization of the 1D-wave equation for a time T > 2 2 ; this time, if the observation is made in ( - T / 2 , T / 2 ) , is optimal and this result improves an earlier work of Negreanu and Zuazua [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I338 (2004) 413–418]. Our proof follows an Ingham type approach.

An instrumental variable method for robot identification based on time variable parameter estimation

Mathieu Brunot, Alexandre Janot, Peter Young, Francisco Carrillo (2018)


This paper considers the data-based identification of industrial robots using an instrumental variable method that uses off-line estimation of the joint velocities and acceleration signals based only on the measurement of the joint positions. The usual approach to this problem relies on a ‘tailor-made’ prefiltering procedure for estimating the derivatives that depends on good prior knowledge of the system's bandwidth. The paper describes an alternative Integrated Random Walk SMoothing (IRWSM) method...

An integrodifferential approach to modeling, control, state estimation and optimization for heat transfer systems

Andreas Rauh, Luise Senkel, Harald Aschemann, Vasily V. Saurin, Georgy V. Kostin (2016)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, control-oriented modeling approaches are presented for distributed parameter systems. These systems, which are in the focus of this contribution, are assumed to be described by suitable partial differential equations. They arise naturally during the modeling of dynamic heat transfer processes. The presented approaches aim at developing finitedimensional system descriptions for the design of various open-loop, closed-loop, and optimal control strategies as well as state, disturbance,...

An Invariance Problem for Control Systems with Deterministic Uncertainty

Lech Górniewicz, Paolo Nistri (1996)

Banach Center Publications

This paper deals with a class of nonlinear control systems in R n in presence of deterministic uncertainty. The uncertainty is modelled by a multivalued map F with nonempty, closed, convex values. Given a nonempty closed set K R n from a suitable class, which includes the convex sets, we solve the problem of finding a state feedback ū(t,x) in such a way that K is invariant under any system dynamics f. As a system dynamics we consider any continuous selection of the uncertain controlled dynamics F.

An LMI-based convex fault tolerant control of nonlinear descriptor systems via unknown input observers

Alberto Ortiz, Daniel Quintana, Victor Estrada-Manzo, Miguel Bernal (2024)


This paper proposes a fault tolerant control scheme for nonlinear systems in descriptor form. The approach is based on the design of an unknown input observer in order to estimate the missing state variables as well as actuator faults, such design is carried out once a proper estimation error system is obtained via a recent factorization method; then, the estimated signals are employed in the control law in order to drive the states asymptotically to the origin despite actuator faults. The designing...

An LPV pole-placement approach to friction compensation as an FTC problem

Ron J. Patton, Lejun Chen, Supat Klinkhieo (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The concept of combining robust fault estimation within a controller system to achieve active Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) has been the subject of considerable interest in the recent literature. The current study is motivated by the need to develop model-based FTC schemes for systems that have no unique equilibria and are therefore difficult to linearise. Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) strategies are well suited to model-based control and fault estimation for such systems. This contribution involves...

An observability estimate for parabolic equations from a measurable set in time and its applications

Kim Dang Phung, Gengsheng Wang (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

This paper presents a new observability estimate for parabolic equations in Ω × ( 0 , T ) , where Ω is a convex domain. The observation region is restricted over a product set of an open nonempty subset of Ω and a subset of positive measure in ( 0 , T ) . This estimate is derived with the aid of a quantitative unique continuation at one point in time. Applications to the bang-bang property for norm and time optimal control problems are provided.

An observability problem for a class of uncertain-parameter linear dynamic systems

Krzysztof Oprzędkiewicz (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

An observability problem for a class of linear, uncertain-parameter, time-invariant dynamic SISO systems is discussed. The class of systems under consideration is described by a finite dimensional state-space equation with an interval diagonal state matrix, known control and output matrices and a two-dimensional uncertain parameter space. For the system considered a simple geometric interpretation of the system spectrum can be given. The geometric interpretation of the system spectrum is the base...

An optimal sliding mode congestion controller for connection-oriented communication networks with lossy links

Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Piotr Leśniewski (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A new discrete-time sliding-mode congestion controller for connection-oriented networks is proposed. Packet losses which may occur during the transmission process are explicitly taken into account. Two control laws are presented, each obtained by minimizing a different cost functional. The first one concentrates on the output variable, whereas in the second one the whole state vector is considered. Weighting factors for adjusting the influence of the control signal and appropriate (state or output)...

An optimal strong equilibrium solution for cooperative multi-leader-follower Stackelberg Markov chains games

Kristal K. Trejo, Julio B. Clempner, Alexander S. Poznyak (2016)


This paper presents a novel approach for computing the strong Stackelberg/Nash equilibrium for Markov chains games. For solving the cooperative n -leaders and m -followers Markov game we consider the minimization of the L p - norm that reduces the distance to the utopian point in the Euclidian space. Then, we reduce the optimization problem to find a Pareto optimal solution. We employ a bi-level programming method implemented by the extraproximal optimization approach for computing the strong L p - Stackelberg/Nash...

An output controllability problem for semilinear distributed hyperbolic systems

E. Zerrik, R. Larhrissi, H. Bourray (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper aims at extending the notion of regional controllability developed for linear systems cite to the semilinear hyperbolic case. We begin with an asymptotically linear system and the approach is based on an extension of the Hilbert uniqueness method and Schauder's fixed point theorem. The analytical case is then tackled using generalized inverse techniques and converted to a fixed point problem leading to an algorithm which is successfully implemented numerically and illustrated with examples....

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 1697