The Uncertainty Principle: A Mathematical Survey.
Laplace interpolation is a popular approach in image inpainting using partial differential equations. The classic approach considers the Laplace equation with mixed boundary conditions. Recently a more general formulation has been proposed, where the differential operator consists of a point-wise convex combination of the Laplacian and the known image data. We provide the first detailed analysis on existence and uniqueness of solutions for the arising mixed boundary value problem. Our approach considers...
We investigate the properties an exotic symbol class of pseudodifferential operators, Sjöstrand's class, with methods of time-frequency analysis (phase space analysis). Compared to the classical treatment, the time-frequency approach leads to striklingly simple proofs of Sjöstrand's fundamental results and to far-reaching generalizations.
We consider quadrature mirror filters, and the associated wavelet packet transform. Let X = {Xn}n∈Z be a stationary signal which has a continuous spectral density f. We prove that the 2n signals obtained from X by n iterations of the transform converge to white noises when n → +∞. If f is holderian, the convergence rate is exponential.
In a series of articles, we have been developing a theory of tropical diagrams of probability spaces, expecting it to be useful for information optimization problems in information theory and artificial intelligence. In this article, we give a summary of our work so far and apply the theory to derive a dimension-reduction statement about the shape of the entropic cone.