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Computations of Galois representations associated to modular forms of level one

Peng Tian (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We propose an improved algorithm for computing mod ℓ Galois representations associated to a cusp form f of level one. The proposed method allows us to explicitly compute the case with ℓ = 29 and f of weight k = 16, and the cases with ℓ = 31 and f of weight k = 12,20,22. All the results are rigorously proved to be correct. As an example, we will compute the values modulo 31 of Ramanujan's tau function at some huge primes up to a sign. Also we will give an improved uper bound on...

Computing the number of certain Galois representations mod p

Tommaso Giorgio Centeleghe (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Using the link between Galois representations and modular forms established by Serre’s Conjecture, we compute, for every prime p 2593 , a lower bound for the number of isomorphism classes of Galois representation of Q on a two–dimensional vector space over F ¯ p which are irreducible, odd, and unramified outside p .

Congruences among modular forms on U(2,2) and the Bloch-Kato conjecture

Krzysztof Klosin (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let k be a positive integer divisible by 4, p > k a prime, f an elliptic cuspidal eigenform (ordinary at p ) of weight k - 1 , level 4 and non-trivial character. In this paper we provide evidence for the Bloch-Kato conjecture for the motives ad 0 M ( - 1 ) and ad 0 M ( 2 ) , where M is the motif attached to f . More precisely, we prove that under certain conditions the p -adic valuation of the algebraic part of the symmetric square L -function of f evaluated at k provides a lower bound for the p -adic valuation of the order of the Pontryagin...

Congruences between modular forms and lowering the level mod n

Luis Dieulefait, Xavier Taixés i Ventosa (2009)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this article we study the behavior of inertia groups for modular Galois mod n representations and in some cases we give a generalization of Ribet’s lowering the level result (cf. [9]).

Congruences modulo between ϵ factors for cuspidal representations of G L ( 2 )

Marie-France Vignéras (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let p be two different prime numbers, let F be a local non archimedean field of residual characteristic p , and let 𝐐 ¯ , 𝐙 ¯ , 𝐅 ¯ be an algebraic closure of the field of -adic numbers 𝐐 , the ring of integers of 𝐐 ¯ , the residual field of 𝐙 ¯ . We proved the existence and the unicity of a Langlands local correspondence over 𝐅 ¯ for all n 2 , compatible with the reduction modulo in [V5], without using L and ϵ factors of pairs. We conjecture that the Langlands local correspondence over 𝐐 ¯ respects congruences modulo between...

Cubic forms, powers of primes and the Kraus method

Andrzej Dąbrowski, Tomasz Jędrzejak, Karolina Krawciów (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider the Diophantine equation ( x + y ) ( x ² + B x y + y ² ) = D z p , where B, D are integers (B ≠ ±2, D ≠ 0) and p is a prime >5. We give Kraus type criteria of nonsolvability for this equation (explicitly, for many B and D) in terms of Galois representations and modular forms. We apply these criteria to numerous equations (with B = 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, specific D’s, and p ∈ (10,10⁶)). In the last section we discuss reductions of the above Diophantine equations to those of signature (p,p,2).

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