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New bounds on the Laplacian spectral ratio of connected graphs

Zhen Lin, Min Cai, Jiajia Wang (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a simple connected undirected graph. The Laplacian spectral ratio of G is defined as the quotient between the largest and second smallest Laplacian eigenvalues of G , which is an important parameter in graph theory and networks. We obtain some bounds of the Laplacian spectral ratio in terms of the number of the spanning trees and the sum of powers of the Laplacian eigenvalues. In addition, we study the extremal Laplacian spectral ratio among trees with n vertices, which improves some known...

Non-surjective linear transformations of tropical matrices preserving the cyclicity index

Alexander Guterman, Elena Kreines, Alexander Vlasov (2022)


The cyclicity index of a matrix is the cyclicity index of its critical subgraph, namely, the subgraph of the adjacency graph which consists of all cycles of the maximal average weight. The cyclicity index of a graph is the least common multiple of the cyclicity indices of all its maximal strongly connected subgraphs, and the cyclicity index of a strongly connected graph is the least common divisor of the lengths of its (directed) cycles. In this paper we obtain the characterization of linear, possibly...

Note on a conjecture for the sum of signless Laplacian eigenvalues

Xiaodan Chen, Guoliang Hao, Dequan Jin, Jingjian Li (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For a simple graph G on n vertices and an integer k with 1 k n , denote by 𝒮 k + ( G ) the sum of k largest signless Laplacian eigenvalues of G . It was conjectured that 𝒮 k + ( G ) e ( G ) + k + 1 2 , where e ( G ) is the number of edges of G . This conjecture has been proved to be true for all graphs when k { 1 , 2 , n - 1 , n } , and for trees, unicyclic graphs, bicyclic graphs and regular graphs (for all k ). In this note, this conjecture is proved to be true for all graphs when k = n - 2 , and for some new classes of graphs.

Nouvelles approches de la propriété (T) de Kazhdan

Alain Valette (2002/2003)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Un groupe localement compact G a la propriété (T) de Kazhdan si la 1 -cohomologie de tout G -module hilbertien est nulle. Cette propriété de rigidité de la théorie des représentations de G a trouvé des applications qui vont de la théorie ergodique à la théorie des graphes. Pendant près de 30 ans, les seuls exemples connus de groupes avec la propriété (T), provenaient des groupes algébriques simples sur les corps locaux, ou de leurs réseaux. La situation a radicalement changé ces dernières années :...

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