Some new Ramsey colorings.
A k-gon α of a polyhedral graph G(V,E,F) is of type ⟨b₁,b₂,...,bₖ⟩ if the vertices incident with α in cyclic order have degrees b₁,b₂,...,bₖ and ⟨b₁,b₂,...,bₖ⟩ is the lexicographic minimum of all such sequences available for α. A polyhedral graph G is oblique if it has no two faces of the same type. Among others it is shown that an oblique graph contains vertices of degree 3.
For a finite undirected graph G on n vertices some continuous optimization problems taken over the n-dimensional cube are presented and it is proved that their optimum values equal the independence number of G.
In this paper we derive new properties complementary to an Brualdi-Li tournament matrix . We show that has exactly one positive real eigenvalue and one negative real eigenvalue and, as a by-product, reprove that every Brualdi-Li matrix has distinct eigenvalues. We then bound the partial sums of the real parts and the imaginary parts of its eigenvalues. The inverse of is also determined. Related results obtained in previous articles are proven to be corollaries.
Let be a simple connected graph with vertex set and edge set , and let be the degree of the vertex . Let be the distance matrix and let be the diagonal matrix of the vertex transmissions of . The generalized distance matrix of is defined as , where . Let be the generalized distance eigenvalues of , and let be an integer with . We denote by the sum of the largest generalized distance eigenvalues. The generalized distance spread of a graph is defined as . We obtain some...
The distance Laplacian of a connected graph is defined by , where is the distance matrix of , and is the diagonal matrix whose main entries are the vertex transmissions in . The spectrum of is called the distance Laplacian spectrum of . In the present paper, we investigate some particular distance Laplacian eigenvalues. Among other results, we show that the complete graph is the unique graph with only two distinct distance Laplacian eigenvalues. We establish some properties of the distance...
We investigate, using results from [[p3]], when a given lattice is isomorphic to the weak subalgebra lattice of a partial algebra of a fixed type. First, we reduce this problem to the question when hyperedges of a hypergraph can be directed to a form of directed hypergraph of a fixed type. Secondly, we show that it is enough to consider some special hypergraphs. Finally, translating these results onto the lattice language, we obtain necessary conditions for our algebraic problem, and also, we completely...
Let Γ(R) be the zero divisor graph for a commutative ring with identity. The k-domination number and the 2-packing number of Γ(R), where R is an Artinian ring, are computed. k-dominating sets and 2-packing sets for the zero divisor graph of the ring of Gaussian integers modulo n, Γ(ℤₙ[i]), are constructed. The center, the median, the core, as well as the automorphism group of Γ(ℤₙ[i]) are determined. Perfect zero divisor graphs Γ(R) are investigated.
In this paper, we survey some new results in four areas of domination in graphs, namely: (1) the toughness and matching structure of graphs having domination number 3 and which are "critical" in the sense that if one adds any missing edge, the domination number falls to 2; (2) the matching structure of graphs having domination number 3 and which are "critical" in the sense that if one deletes any vertex, the domination number falls to 2; (3) upper bounds...