Chern Numbers of Algebraic Surfaces.
We apply the Shimura reciprocity law to determine when values of modular functions of higher level can be used to generate the Hilbert class field of an imaginary quadratic field. In addition, we show how to find the corresponding polynomial in these cases. This yields a proof for conjectural formulas of Morain and Zagier concerning such polynomials.
We define the notion overconvergent modular forms on where is a prime, and are positive integers and is prime to . We show that an overconvergent eigenform on of weight whose -eigenvalue has valuation strictly less than is classical.
We give explicit upper bounds for the coefficients of arbitrary weight k, level 2 cusp forms, making Deligne’s well-known bound precise. We also derive asymptotic formulas and explicit upper bounds for the coefficients of certain level 2 modular functions.
We give examples of failure of the existence of co-fibered products in the category of algebraic curves.
Jacobi-like forms for a discrete subgroup Γ of SL(2,ℝ) are formal power series which generalize Jacobi forms, and they correspond to certain sequences of modular forms for Γ. Given a modular form f, a Jacobi-like form can be constructed by using constant multiples of derivatives of f as coefficients, which is known as the Cohen-Kuznetsov lifting of f. We extend Cohen-Kuznetsov liftings to quasimodular forms by determining an explicit formula for a Jacobi-like form associated to a quasimodular form....
The aim of these notes is to generalize Laumon’s construction [20] of automorphic sheaves corresponding to local systems on a smooth, projective curve to the case of local systems with indecomposable unipotent ramification at a finite set of points. To this end we need an extension of the notion of parabolic structure on vector bundles to coherent sheaves. Once we have defined this, a lot of arguments from the article “ On the geometric Langlands conjecture” by Frenkel, Gaitsgory and Vilonen [11]...