Ueber hyperelliptische Sigmafunctionen. (Zweite Abhandlung).
Nous montrons dans le cas simple du groupe linéaire général, comment on peut déduire de [V. Heiermann 2004] des informations précises sur le degré formel d’une représentation de carré intégrable d’un groupe -adique.
In the present article, we determine explicit uniformizations of modular curves attached to triangle Fuchsian groups with cusps. Their Hauptmoduln are obtained by integration of non-linear differential equations of the third order. Series expansions involving integral coefficients are calculated around the cusps as well as around the elliptic points. The method is an updated form of a differential construction of the elliptic modular function j, first performed by Dedekind in 1877. Subtle differences...
Higher-order non-holomorphic Eisenstein series associated to a Fuchsian group are defined by twisting the series expansion for classical non-holomorphic Eisenstein series by powers of modular symbols. Their functional identities include multiplicative and additive factors, making them distinct from classical Eisenstein series. In this article we prove the meromorphic continuation of these series and establish their functional equations which relate values at and . In addition, we construct...