Displaying 1281 – 1300 of 2107

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Ordinary p -adic Eisenstein series and p -adic L -functions for unitary groups

Ming-Lun Hsieh (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The purpose of this work is to carry out the first step in our four-step program towards the main conjecture for GL 2 × 𝒦 × by the method of Eisenstein congruence on G U ( 3 , 1 ) , where 𝒦 is an imaginary quadratic field. We construct a p -adic family of ordinary Eisenstein series on the group of unitary similitudes G U ( 3 , 1 ) with the optimal constant term which is basically the product of the Kubota-Leopodlt p -adic L -function and a p -adic L -function for GL 2 × 𝒦 × . This construction also provides a different point of view of p -adic...

Oscillations of Hecke eigenvalues at shifted primes.

Liangyi Zhao (2006)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

In this paper, we are interested in exploring the cancellation of Hecke eigenvalues twisted with an exponential sums whose amplitude is √n at prime arguments.

Overconvergent modular forms

Vincent Pilloni (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We give a geometric definition of overconvergent modular forms of any p -adic weight. As an application, we reprove Coleman’s theory of p -adic families of modular forms and reconstruct the eigencurve of Coleman and Mazur without using the Eisenstein family.

Overconvergent modular symbols and p -adic L -functions

Robert Pollack, Glenn Stevens (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

This paper is a constructive investigation of the relationship between classical modular symbols and overconvergent p -adic modular symbols. Specifically, we give a constructive proof of acontrol theorem (Theorem 1.1) due to the second author [19] proving existence and uniqueness of overconvergent eigenliftings of classical modular eigensymbols of non-critical slope. As an application we describe a polynomial-time algorithm for explicit computation of associated p -adic L -functions in this case. In...

p -adic Differential Operators on Automorphic Forms on Unitary Groups

Ellen E. Eischen (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The goal of this paper is to study certain p -adic differential operators on automorphic forms on U ( n , n ) . These operators are a generalization to the higher-dimensional, vector-valued situation of the p -adic differential operators constructed for Hilbert modular forms by N. Katz. They are a generalization to the p -adic case of the C -differential operators first studied by H. Maass and later studied extensively by M. Harris and G. Shimura. The operators should be useful in the construction of certain p -adic...

p -adic interpolation of convolutions of Hilbert modular forms

Volker Dünger (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper we construct p -adic measures related to the values of convolutions of Hilbert modular forms of integral and half-integral weight at the negative critical points under the assumption that the underlying totally real number field F has class number h F = 1 . This extends the result of Panchishkin [Lecture Notes in Math., 1471, Springer Verlag, 1991 ] who treated the case that both modular forms are of integral weight. In order to define the measures, we need to introduce the twist operator...

p -adic L -functions of Hilbert modular forms

Andrzej Dabrowski (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We construct p -adic L -functions (in general case unbounded) attached to “motivic" primitive Hilbert cusp forms as a non-archimedean Mellin transform of the corresponding admissible measure. In order to prove the growth conditions of the appropriate complex-valued distributions we represent them as Rankin type representation and use Atkin–Lehner theory and explicit form of Fourier coefficients of Eisenstein series.

p -adic measures attached to Siegel modular forms

Siegfried Böcherer, Claus-Günther Schmidt (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study the critical values of the complex standard- L -function attached to a holomorphic Siegel modular form and of the twists of the L -function by Dirichlet characters. Our main object is for a fixed rational prime number p to interpolate p -adically the essentially algebraic critical L -values as the Dirichlet character varies thus providing a systematic control of denominators of critical values by generalized Kummer congruences. In order to organize this information we prove the existence of...

p -adic ordinary Hecke algebras for GL ( 2 )

Haruzo Hida (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study the p -adic nearly ordinary Hecke algebra for cohomological modular forms on G L ( 2 ) over an arbitrary number field F . We prove the control theorem and the independence of the Hecke algebra from the weight. Thus the Hecke algebra is finite over the Iwasawa algebra of the maximal split torus and behaves well under specialization with respect to weight and p -power level. This shows the existence and the uniqueness of the (nearly ordinary) p -adic analytic family of cohomological Hecke eigenforms...

Currently displaying 1281 – 1300 of 2107