Displaying 1541 – 1560 of 2107

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Strong spectral gaps for compact quotients of products of PSL ( 2 , ) )

Dubi Kelmer, Peter Sarnak (2009)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The existence of a strong spectral gap for quotients Γ G of noncompact connected semisimple Lie groups is crucial in many applications. For congruence lattices there are uniform and very good bounds for the spectral gap coming from the known bounds towards the Ramanujan–Selberg conjectures. If G has no compact factors then for general lattices a spectral gap can still be established, but there is no uniformity and no effective bounds are known. This note is concerned with the spectral gap for an irreducible...

Sturm type theorem for Siegel modular forms of genus 2 modulo p

Dohoon Choi, YoungJu Choie, Toshiyuki Kikuta (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Suppose that f is an elliptic modular form with integral coefficients. Sturm obtained bounds for a nonnegative integer n such that every Fourier coefficient of f vanishes modulo a prime p if the first n Fourier coefficients of f are zero modulo p. In the present note, we study analogues of Sturm's bounds for Siegel modular forms of genus 2. As an application, we study congruences involving an analogue of Atkin's U(p)-operator for the Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms of genus 2.

Superelliptic equations arising from sums of consecutive powers

Michael A. Bennett, Vandita Patel, Samir Siksek (2016)

Acta Arithmetica

Using only elementary arguments, Cassels solved the Diophantine equation (x-1)³ + x³ + (x+1)³ = z² (with x, z ∈ ℤ). The generalization ( x - 1 ) k + x k + ( x + 1 ) k = z n (with x, z, n ∈ ℤ and n ≥ 2) was considered by Zhongfeng Zhang who solved it for k ∈ 2,3,4 using Frey-Hellegouarch curves and their corresponding Galois representations. In this paper, by employing some sophisticated refinements of this approach, we show that the only solutions for k = 5 have x = z = 0, and that there are no solutions for k = 6. The chief innovation...

Currently displaying 1541 – 1560 of 2107