Displaying 121 – 140 of 265

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More on inhomogeneous diophantine approximation

Christopher G. Pinner (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

For an irrational real number α and real number γ we consider the inhomogeneous approximation constant M ( α , γ ) : = lim inf | n | | n | | | n α - γ | | via the semi-regular negative continued fraction expansion of α α = 1 ...

Multidimensional Gauss reduction theory for conjugacy classes of SL ( n , )

Oleg Karpenkov (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper we describe the set of conjugacy classes in the group SL ( n , ) . We expand geometric Gauss Reduction Theory that solves the problem for SL ( 2 , ) to the multidimensional case, where ς -reduced Hessenberg matrices play the role of reduced matrices. Further we find complete invariants of conjugacy classes in GL ( n , ) in terms of multidimensional Klein-Voronoi continued fractions.

On approximation by Lüroth series

Karma Dajani, Cor Kraaikamp (1996)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let x ] 0 , 1 ] and p n / q n , n 1 be its sequence of Lüroth Series convergents. Define the approximation coefficients θ n = θ n ( x ) by q n x - p n , n 1 . In [BBDK] the limiting distribution of the sequence ( θ n ) n 1 was obtained for a.e. x using the natural extension of the ergodic system underlying the Lüroth Series expansion. Here we show that this can be done without the natural extension. In fact we will prove that for each n , θ n is already distributed according to the limiting distribution. Using the natural extension we will study the distribution for...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 265