Displaying 261 – 280 of 1782

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Chebyshev's method for number fields

José Felipe Voloch (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We give an elementary proof of an explicit estimate for the number of primes splitting completely in an extension of the rationals. The proof uses binomial coefficents and extends Chebyshev's classical approach.

Circles passing through five or more integer points

Shaunna M. Plunkett-Levin (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

We find an improvement to Huxley and Konyagin’s current lower bound for the number of circles passing through five integer points. We conjecture that the improved lower bound is the asymptotic formula for the number of circles passing through five integer points. We generalise the result to circles passing through more than five integer points, giving the main theorem in terms of cyclic polygons with m integer point vertices. Theorem. Let m ≥ 4 be a fixed integer. Let W m ( R ) be the number of cyclic polygons...

Class Number Two for Real Quadratic Fields of Richaud-Degert Type

Mollin, R. A. (2009)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11D09, 11A55, 11C08, 11R11, 11R29; Secondary: 11R65, 11S40; 11R09.This paper contains proofs of conjectures made in [16] on class number 2 and what this author has dubbed the Euler-Rabinowitsch polynomial for real quadratic fields. As well, we complete the list of Richaud-Degert types given in [16] and show how the behaviour of the Euler-Rabinowitsch polynomials and certain continued fraction expansions come into play in the complete determination...

Combinatoire du billard dans un polyèdre

Nicolas Bedaride (2006/2007)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Ces notes ont pour but de rassembler les différents résultats de combinatoire des mots relatifs au billard polygonal et polyédral. On commence par rappeler quelques notions de combinatoire, puis on définit le billard, les notions utiles en dynamique et le codage de l’application. On énonce alors les résultats connus en dimension deux puis trois.

Composite positive integers whose sum of prime factors is prime

Florian Luca, Damon Moodley (2020)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this note, we show that the counting function of the number of composite positive integers n x such that β ( n ) = p n p is a prime is of order of magnitude at least x / ( log x ) 3 and at most x / log x .

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 1782