Squares in .
Let be an integer. Recently, Hu and Lü offered the asymptotic formula for the sum of the higher divisor function where represents the th divisor function. We give the Goldbach-type analogy of their result. That is to say, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the sum where are prime variables.
We employ a generalised version of Heath-Brown's square sieve in order to establish an asymptotic estimate of the number of solutions a, b ∈ ℕ to the equations a + b = n and a - b = n, where a is k-free and b is l-free. This is the first time that this problem has been studied with distinct powers k and l.
We find, via the Selberg-Delange method, an asymptotic formula for the mean of arithmetic functions on certain APs. It generalizes a result due to Cui and Wu (2014).