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On lattice bases with special properties

Ulrich Halbritter, Michael E. Pohst (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper we introduce multiplicative lattices in ( > 0 ) r and determine finite unions of suitable simplices as fundamental domains for sublattices of finite index. For this we define cyclic non-negative bases in arbitrary lattices. These bases are then used to calculate Shintani cones in totally real algebraic number fields. We mainly concentrate our considerations to lattices in two and three dimensions corresponding to cubic and quartic fields.

On monogenity of certain pure number fields of degrees 2 r · 3 k · 7 s

Hamid Ben Yakkou, Jalal Didi (2024)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let K = ( α ) be a pure number field generated by a complex root α of a monic irreducible polynomial F ( x ) = x 2 r · 3 k · 7 s - m [ x ] , where r , k , s are three positive natural integers. The purpose of this paper is to study the monogenity of K . Our results are illustrated by some examples.

On power integral bases for certain pure number fields defined by x 18 - m

Lhoussain El Fadil (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let K = ( α ) be a number field generated by a complex root α of a monic irreducible polynomial f ( x ) = x 18 - m , m 1 , is a square free rational integer. We prove that if m 2 or 3 ( mod 4 ) and m ¬ 1 ( mod 9 ) , then the number field K is monogenic. If m 1 ( mod 4 ) or m 1 ( mod 9 ) , then the number field K is not monogenic.

On relative pure cyclic fields with power integral bases

Mohammed Sahmoudi, Mohammed Elhassani Charkani (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let L = K ( α ) be an extension of a number field K , where α satisfies the monic irreducible polynomial P ( X ) = X p - β of prime degree belonging to 𝔬 K [ X ] ( 𝔬 K is the ring of integers of K ). The purpose of this paper is to study the monogenity of L over K by a simple and practical version of Dedekind’s criterion characterizing the existence of power integral bases over an arbitrary Dedekind ring by using the Gauss valuation and the index ideal. As an illustration, we determine an integral basis of a pure nonic field L with a...

On special values of theta functions of genus two

Ehud De Shalit, Eyal Z. Goren (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study a certain finitely generated multiplicative subgroup of the Hilbert class field of a quartic CM field. It consists of special values of certain theta functions of genus 2 and is analogous to the group of Siegel units. Questions of integrality of these specials values are related to the arithmetic of the Siegel moduli space.

On the fundamental units of some cubic orders generated by units

Jun Ho Lee, Stéphane R. Louboutin (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Let ϵ be a totally real cubic algebraic unit. Assume that the cubic number field ℚ(ϵ) is Galois. Let ϵ, ϵ' and ϵ'' be the three real conjugates of ϵ. We tackle the problem of whether {ϵ,ϵ'} is a system of fundamental units of the cubic order ℤ[ϵ,ϵ',ϵ'']. Given two units of a totally real cubic order, we explain how one can prove that they form a system of fundamental units of this order. Several explicit families of totally real cubic orders defined by parametrized families of cubic polynomials...

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