Racines cubiques de nombres entiers et multiplication complexe dans les fonctions elliptiques
We study the ramification properties of the extensions under the hypothesis that is odd and if than either or ( and are the exponents with which divides and ). In particular we determine the higher ramification groups of the completed extensions and the Artin conductors of the characters of their Galois group. As an application, we give formulas for the -adique valuation of the discriminant of the studied global extensions with .
If is the splitting field of the polynomial and is a rational prime of the form , we give appropriate generators of to obtain the explicit factorization of the ideal , where is a positive rational prime. For this, we calculate the index of these generators and integral basis of certain prime ideals.
Nous appliquons à la notion d’extension (cyclique de degré ) à ramification minimale, les techniques de “ réflexion ” qui permettent une caractérisation très simple de ces extensions à l’aide d’un corps gouvernant.