Diophantine equations in cyclotomic fields.
Let be any integer and fix an odd prime . Let denote the -fold composition of the Chebyshev polynomial of degree shifted by . If this polynomial is irreducible, let , where is a root of . We use a theorem of Dedekind in conjunction with previous results of the author to give conditions on that ensure is monogenic. For other values of , we apply a result of Guàrdia, Montes, and Nart to obtain a formula for the discriminant of and compute an integral basis for the ring of integers...
We show that the number of primes of a number field K of norm at most x, at which the local component of an idele class character of infinite order is principal, is bounded by O(x exp(-c√(log x))) as x → ∞, for some absolute constant c > 0 depending only on K.