Correction to: "An obstruction to smoothing of Gorenstein surface singularities".
For any number field k, upper bounds are established for the number of k-rational points of bounded height on non-singular del Pezzo surfaces defined over k, which are equipped with suitable conic bundle structures over k.
Nous démontrons un lemme permettant d’étudier l’irréductibilité et la lissité (hors des singularités prescrites) de la courbe plane générique de degré passant par points génériques avec des multiplicités fixées par avance. Ce lemme repose sur la “méthode d’Horace”, introduite par A. Hirschowitz. Il est appliqué ici à l’étude des courbes de genre inférieur ou égal à .
We present a method to construct non-singular cubic surfaces over ℚ with a Galois invariant double-six. We start with cubic surfaces in the hexahedral form of L. Cremona and Th. Reye. For these, we develop an explicit version of Galois descent.
For the general ruled cubic surface S (with a double line) in P3 = P3 sub k, k any algebraically closed field, we find necessary conditions for which curves on S can be the specialization of a flat family of curves on smooth cubics. In particular, no smooth curve of degree > 10 on S is such a specialization.
We describe a series of Calabi-Yau manifolds which are cyclic coverings of a Fano 3-fold branched along a smooth divisor. For all the examples we compute the Euler characteristic and the Hodge numbers. All examples have small Picard number .