Displaying 141 – 160 of 164

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Topology of real algebraic T-surfaces.

Ilia Itenberg (1997)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The paper is devoted to algebraic surfaces which can be obtained using a simple combinatorial procedure called the T-construction. The class of T-surfaces is sufficiently rich: for example, we construct T-surfaces of an arbitrary degree in RP³ which are M-surfaces. We also present a construction of T-surfaces in RP³ with dim H1 (RX; Z/2) > h1, 1(CX), where RX and CX are the real and the complex point sets of the surface.

Toward Clemens' Conjecture in Degrees between 10 and 24

Johnsen, Trygve, Kleiman, Steven (1997)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

1 Supported in part by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities. It is a pleasure for this author to thank the Department of Mathematics of the University of Sofia for organizing the remarkable conference in Zlatograd during the period August 28-September 2, 1995. It is also a pleasure to thank the M.I.T. Department of Mathematics for its hospitality from January 1 to July 31, 1993, when this work was started. 2Supported in part by NSF grant 9400918-DMS.We introduce and study...

Twisted cotangent sheaves and a Kobayashi-Ochiai theorem for foliations

Andreas Höring (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a normal projective variety, and let A be an ample Cartier divisor on X . Suppose that X is not the projective space. We prove that the twisted cotangent sheaf Ω X A is generically nef with respect to the polarisation  A . As an application we prove a Kobayashi-Ochiai theorem for foliations: if T X is a foliation such that det i A , then i is at most the rank of .

Twistor transforms of quaternionic functions and orthogonal complex structures

Graziano Gentili, Simon Salamon, Caterina Stoppato (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The theory of slice-regular functions of a quaternion variable is applied to the study of orthogonal complex structures on domains Ω of 4 . When Ω is a symmetric slice domain, the twistor transform of such a function is a holomorphic curve in the Klein quadric. The case in which Ω is the complement of a parabola is studied in detail and described by a rational quartic surface in the twistor space P 3 .

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 164